Prisoner - Part 1


Just like the loud resounding pendulum strike of a gigantic bell in a major Clock Tower, Briceus's words echoed in Elizabeth's senses.

"Seize her!" was the king's order, and Beth could still not process any words at first. Instead, her eyes became moist, but her eyelids managed to hold back the brewing tears in position.

Her burnished skin lost its colour, and she instantly grew paler than snow. She froze in fright, and her thoughts were a raging tempest by this time.

Whereas Sigrid was astonished, yet she tried to keep up her composure and swallow her displeasure.

She thought...

'What was the king's motive for doing this? Did he really not have a heart? He could go this far and hurt a female of weaker demeanor? He is indeed as heartless as people say he is,' concluded Sigrid in her heart.

Every one held on to his or her thoughts and sucked in their contribution.

However, immediately the king gave his command, no time was wasted.

Swiftly, two knights moved over, and held onto Elizabeth's hands roughly which each of them standing at both her sides. They pulled her mercilessly in an attempt to have her whisked away to her destination of torture, but she resisted.

She wriggled, struggled, pleaded, and kicked until she slumped to the floor.

As soon as Elizabeth lifted her head, she saw herself kneeling directly before her most dreaded nightmare; the king. She was panting heavily as a result of the physical activity she had just engaged in. But, this time her tongue cut loosed and she attempted to beg for her life.

"Ppp... Pleaseee, your majesty... I am... not that... what you think I am. Please milord, mercy... Offer mercy!" pleaded Elizabeth. Just then, she attempted to bow lower to wrap her hands around Briceus's feet, but he realized her plans and retreated at once.

Frustrated, and thoroughly shaken up, Beth maintained her kneeling position and tried to keep herself from panting, but she failed at every attempt, because this time her fright was the reason for her hastened and unrhythmic breathing.

In addition, the king's stare which was penetrating and deathly had caused her to become faint-hearted.

For Briceus, he wouldn't have any more drama or emotional spillage, hence he channelled his gaze towards the knights who had obviously forgotten the order they had been charged with carrying out.

"If this creature is not brought out of my sight at once, then I shall have both your heads for it!" threatened Briceus.

At once, the knights charged up and walked towards Elizabeth who wanted to dodge but failed to do so because they held onto her even more firmly than they had done before.

By now, Beth had regained her complete willpower to speak, even as she struggled to break free.

"Please, your highness, see how I am dressed. I am only but a maiden who had lost her way. I am..."

Elizabeth could not finish her speech because the knights had succeeded in moving her swiftly and aggressively through the corridor, and away from the king's sight.

Still, Beth was unwilling to surrender so soon.

Taking advantage of the echoes of the hallway, Elizabeth hummed her pleas.

"Your majesty, I just wanted to find my jewellery. Please reconsider. Pleaseeee..."

The sounds of Elizabeth's words continued to grow fainter until none of her pleas could be heard any more.

Lord Briceus grunted.

He still wasn't satisfied. He had almost given into the maiden's potential tears and pleas, but he already had his mind made up to have her locked away for a couple of days at least.

If she were a demon, she would find her way out by channelling a magical portal to help her escape. If she were human...

No! Briceus countered, and retrieved his wandering mind back to the people before him.

"Why are you still here? Leave! All of you!" commanded the king.

The court lady and the other castle maids bowed slightly and began to walk on their way.

However, Ezekiel had something else to say...

"Milord, the maiden... what if..."

Briceus felt mocked.

"Are you set to question my decision?" asked Briceus to Zeke.

"No, no, milord. Far be it from me to do such a foolish thing," said Zeke in an attempt to appease the king.

"Enough! In a few days, we will know if she is who she says that she is. In the meantime, have someone search the castle for any piece of jewellery lying idly by," demanded Briceus.

With a slight bow, Zeke muttered a quick "Yes, milord."

"Now, leave me! I will send for you when I am ready to head out to the Shadow Hollow," informed the king.

"Milord, are we still headed for that place?" asked Zeke. He was so terrified of the place that he decided it was best and smarter to refer to it as 'that place' rather than calling it by name.

"Did I at any point tell you otherwise?" asked Briceus.

"No, milord. I am sorry, milord. I will get as many men ready," muttered Zeke, and he decided to take his leave from there. Thus, he bowed, and turned to leave.

Alone at this time, Briceus opened the majestic door which led to his room. He walked in, and halted. Next, he ran a scan with his eyes through the royal space in search of anything amiss or missing, and heaved a sigh afterwards.


The hallway was a long one, and the court lady Sigrid and the other castle maids were yet to make their way out completely by this time.

So far, they had passed by two linking corridors, one of which the maiden from before had been forcefully dragged through.

At this time, Sigrid and the other maid-servants were soon to approach the linked corridor that would lead them to the Courtyard, and on with their next call for the day.

"Senior lady-" Meera called out softly to Sigrid's attention.

Like a written scroll in her head, Sigrid had long memorized the voice of every one maiden in her care.

Hence, even without looking back, she knew whose voice it was.

"Speak, Meera," demanded the court lady.

"Thank you, senior lady. I know it is not my place, but I feel terrible on behalf of that maiden a while ago," said Meera.

Even though Sigrid felt twice as bad about the king's approach in dealing with the maiden, she was swift to hush Meera.

"Keep shut at once! Or else if word gets to the king due to your carelessness, I shall not be a party to pleading for you," warned Sigrid.

Realizing her mistake, Meera was quick to ask for forgiveness.

"I am sorry, senior lady. I wouldn't dare to put you in that kind of situation. I will keep shut," said Meera, meekly.

However, Ayda had her own questions. She was careful not to use Meera's approach.

They were still walking.

"Senior lady-" called Ayda.

Again, Sigrid knew who it was, without altering her position.

"Yes, Ayda. Speak," demanded the court lady.

"Thank you, lady Sigrid. Mine is a question," informed Ayda.

"Well then, ask your question."

"Thank you, senior lady. I am curious to know where the maiden would be sent... where she was taken to. That is all I want to know," stated Ayda, who was careful of her words all along.

Sigrid halted.

They all did.

Still maintaining her position, her youthful lips parted to let out some words.

"She would be taken to the Dordragon prison. It used to be where mythical creatures were kept for study," informed Sigrid.

"But that is pitiful indeed!" blurted Meera.

"And truly sad," added Ayda.

"Yes. Even so, I hope she survives the test. It has been ages long ever since the Dordragon had a guest. Let us hope also for our sakes that the King is not right in his suspicion. If he is, you know what comes next for us right?" asked Sigrid.

"Yes, senior lady. We do."

They all mumbled in sync, and resumed their orderly paced movements behind the Castle's Court lady, Sigrid.