
"But mother, have you no idea on the reason why father is so angry?" asked Louisa whose face was still buried in her mother's embrace.

"Come now, my love, I will talk to your father about it when he returns from where he went. My sweet girl! Erase your fears from your mind. Now, let us go and dine!" announced Mrs Blythe.

At her mother's mention of food, Louisa then lifted her head a little to lock eyes with her mother while she got ready to speak.

"Food has no meaning to me at the moment mother, not when father left so angrily just now and the fact that we still have no clue about Beth's whereabouts," spoke Louisa as she sniffed a couple times too many.

Her agitation was off the roof, and it was at such times she knew for a surety that she could only find solace in her dear mother's bosom.

At her daughter's comments, Letita continued to sweep her delicate fingers all the way through Louisa's brightly coloured hair strands while she further planted subtle kisses on her girl's temple.

"Shush my love, don't speak such nonsense. Do you want to suffer a terrible stomach upset because of Elizabeth?"

"But, mother-"

"But nothing, Lou... I will not permit you to skip your breakfast. Now wipe away your tears my love, and let us go," said Mrs Blythe demandingly yet in a soft tone.

Subject to her mother[Letita's] words, Louisa then nodded mildly in agreement. Next, they began to walk out of Elizabeth's room to head out towards the hallway.

Still thoroughly shaken up by the occasion and by her father's outburst the most, Louisa was helped on her way by her mother[Mrs Letita Blythe] whose arm was encircled about the girl in the most affectionate[motherly] manner.

It wasn't until they had caught up with Bessie who was standing yet again by the hallway's entrance, that Mrs Blythe had let loose her deep-rooted anger for the housekeeper.

'Afterall, it was this snake who had encouraged the girl to disobey me, I'm sure!' reasoned Louisa's mother.

Meanwhile once Bessie had studied how ruthlessly the master of the house had banged the door behind him, she had cautiously brazened herself up to locate Mrs Blythe to demand an explanation, or was it to give one instead?

"Kind lady of the house, I beseech you in all innocence that you acquaint me with what note Mr Blythe had just-"

"Oh-oh! You are even now so bold..."

"Mother! Please!" cried Louisa once she had lifted her head to glance at her mother before darting her eyes back to her mother.

"No, don't hinder me because I have some delicious words for this woman!"

At that instant, Louisa began to feel drowned in her worries. What mistake had the housekeeper done in relation to her mother's current reaction to her?

"Now look here! You snake! IF you think I am oblivious of all your atrocities then you are completely wrong. However, unlike you, it is a good thing that Elizabeth had the guts to address a note to her father prior."

"But there... there shouldn't have been any note."

"Get out of my face, you annoying woman! Your aroma is beginning to disgust me. You should be thankful that you still have your right to keep on working for this family or else..."

"Mother, please... let's just go," cried Louisa while she pulled at her mother's hands to drag her along with her.

Realizing her daughter's ploy, Letita smiled at the girl and curled her lips to speak.

"You are right my sweet girl. That is enough outburst for the hour... Food is the most important stuff that should trouble our minds right now. It is by far more rewarding than unnecessary talk with this snake," spoke Mrs Blythe while she eyed the housekeeper from head to toe.

Bessie retreated two steps back and moved out of the way of the women.

Thereafter they both—Letita[Mrs Blythe] and Louisa, walked past Bessie and headed for the dinning table.

Soon the mother and daughter were seated to have their breakfast in silence while Bessie pondered on what could have been drafted in the note that Mr Blythe had picked up from Elizabeth's bedroom.

'Everything happened so fast and my gut tells me that Louisa's mother would surely have a hand in all of this...' Bessie considered in her heart, suspiciously.


{10:30 am}

While the Blythe's dwelling was in disarray that morning due to Letita [Mrs Blythe] who had played her part so well, the mercenaries from Aegremonth [including Lord Briceus's aide, Ezekiel] were now just two hours away from touching down in Griffinwald.

Bessie, by now, had resulted to stay in the kitchen for as long a time just to avoid any potential confrontation with Louisa's mother.

Louisa, on the other hand had just arrived before her mother's presence to demand permission to leave the house.

"Mother, I need to go out to get some air. I will be back later," reported Louisa.

"Okay my sweet girl but get home in time for lunch."

The girl nodded lightly.

After exchanging cheek kisses, Louisa saw herself out of the door.

Alone in the living room Mrs Blythe maintained her seat being totally sure that the housekeeper wouldn't dare show her face in order not to get reprimanded by her.

She then began to rejoice out loud...

"My sweet sweet girl, Elizabeth... Your itchiness to see the castle for yourself is what has cost you this much. How will Jacob ever rely on your goodness again? Ah! If only you had not been desperate to contend with your sister, my sweet Louisa for the king's heart, should I have gone this far?

Now look how low your actions have brought you... with no king by your side and no family here to receive you. Shameful!

However, as a mother who loves you and means no actual wrong by punishing you, I wish that the gods should guide your path because it is foreseeably going to be a lonely one indeed."

Mrs Blythe had coughed out those twisted but cruel words to nobody but herself, after which she sighed, pitifully.

But Letita wasn't done cooking up plots... not at the very least...

'Now that Louisa has no young competitor in the guise of a sister, when Jacob returns, I shall push through the matter of plotting a proper means to have Louisa betrothed to this Lord Briceus...

He is a fine man and his Royal influence would enrich us greatly in the eyes of all the town,' finalized Letita in her mind then she smiled to her heart's content.


{11:00 am}


Ezekiel called out to one of the mercenaries after hooting at them both to slow down their horses which they did accordingly.

"Yes, Zeke. Why did you demand for us to halt?" asked Theodore.

Ezekiel shot a glance at him before speaking but after he had first steadied his[Zeke's] agitated breathing from riding for several hours already.

"Since you are familiar with this route, what town can I sight not so far ahead?" asked Zeke while Theodore stretched his vision following the direction of Ezekiel's eyes.

"Hm, I dare say we have reached Griffinwald at this time. That village right ahead is Wimborne. We still have an hour and some minutes more to ride before we touch down in Griffinwald," said Theodore, in a specific tone.

Theo's words caused Ezekiel to instantly realize the lines on his forehead which had become swamped up by bands of sweat.


📚 Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it...

This is to announce that we'd be halting here for a bit since timing is important so that the next chapter would focus on Elizabeth back in Aegremonth[not a spoiler. hehe] ☺

Meanwhile if you like the story so far please support THE DARK LORD'S MAIDEN by reading only on WEBNOVEL and with your precious Powerstones. Haha!

{Meanwhile isn't it funny that Louisa's mother has plans to betroth her daughter—Louisa, off to Briceus? Haha! Kindly comment your thoughts and let me know}❤