
The One standing behind Elizabeth and who had just spoken was smart enough to recognize the troubles she was having just from thinking up a response to his question.

But why?

'I asked her just a simple question and look how she has frozen. If she really is that weak at heart and in character... then I'm sure she would stand no chance with Briceus. Hm...' pondered the Prince.

'That bastard must certainly have a deeper reason for picking out this one.' thought Aldrich.

After contemplating all these in his mind, Aldrich smiled into a wicked grin, one that was pregnant with meaning no doubt because there and then, he had decided on a better approach at modifying his already devised plan.

Therefore, while Elizabeth held herself still in her standing position, Aldrich walked stealthily on purpose in order to place himself within the perimeter of the maiden's vision.

Thus creating no means of preventing her eyes from being locked on him, solely.

As soon as the Prince had brought his royal self before Beth, he sighed and this act resulted in the latter tilting her pretty head sideways to catch his demanding stare.

"Ah!—it is you!" exclaimed Beth. Even though she was happy that the One who had spoken had turned out to be the Prince and not the King[Briceus], she still felt uneasy.

Without much delay, she then held onto the skirt of her garment and struck a bow as elegantly as she could.

Yet, her mind remained lousy within her.

'Why is he here? The prince! Also how did he know to find me here? Did the Court lady inform him about my whereabouts? But why should she?' asked Elizabeth as her incurable suspicion continued to brew inside her heart.

Aldrich on the other hand, noticed her confusion from how her face reflected it once she had lifted her head again after the bow. However, he chose to ignore it altogether.

"I learnt you are addressed as Elizabeth! Am I correct?" asked Aldrich, this time looking particularly serious-faced.

'Are you correct? Are you asking me that, Prince Aldrich? Even if your pronunciation of my name was incorrect, who am I to tell you that to your face? Of course you are correct.

You are very correct but why have you come? What business has the prince with me? I have no pending situationship from all I can remember,' reasoned Elizabeth.

'Home is where my heart is and it's where I should be at the moment. I shouldn't still be here getting greeted by one Royal brother's face after another... with one wanting me dead yesterday and the other wanting a conversation today,' cried Elizabeth in her mind.

Whereas, while these couple of thoughts plagued Beth's mind, Aldrich had waited three minutes long for her response already.

It was a long time to deny a Prince... 'The Prince' an answer to his question.

Was it not?

'Who does this girl think she is to keep me waiting like a buffle-headed lunatic?' Aldrich asked himself, while he ground his teeth unknown to Elizabeth whose eyes were stationed on the plants instead of him.


In an attempt to calm himself down, Aldrich cleared his throat to get her attention before making plans to speak.


This made Beth realize herself.

"Oh no! I am so sorry, my Prince," said Beth in a tone of apology. She truly felt sorry for the delay in responding.

"You don't have to be. I guess I have to take your silence to mean a positive response instead."

"Yes, my Prince. My name is Elizabeth... Elizabeth Blythe."

"So... Elizabeth you are not a native from here. True?"

"True milord. My hometown is a small one by the Moor river—Griffinwald," said Elizabeth in a delicate and gentle tone which pleased the Prince's ears.

Aldrich nodded slightly at her revelation but he had something more to say.

Elizabeth beat him to it by speaking first in the most polite manner.

"Milord! I am just a simple maiden but your presence here has prompted me to feel truly important because are you not the Prince of Aegremonth?

But pardon my inquisition, milord because I have a question." Elizabeth paused to gasp.

Then she continued.

"May I request to know why His Highness has gone out of his way to come all the way through the unhealthy distance just to see somebody like me?"

"And what is it with me seeing somebody like you?" Aldrich interjected on purpose.


"You don't need to stutter Elizabeth. I won't bite. I came looking for you with a message from Mother; the Queen," informed Aldrich.

Now the Queen also is involved as well? What business do I have with the Queen or what matter does she want to talk to me about? Thought Elizabeth as her senses panicked tirelessly.

"Your highness... if I may?" asked Beth.

"Please do yourself the honours," said Aldrich with a note of approval in his tone.

"Thank you for your kindness, milord... But I am now even more curious indeed to know what business I have with the Queen or better still what business she has with me," asked Elizabeth.

This time she spoke with her sparkly green orbs fixed firmly on Aldrich's.

Her courage impressed the Prince, greatly.

'Hm. So she knows how and when to act bold? What else are you hiding in there, Elizabeth?' asked Aldrich in an act of soliloquy.

While Aldrich's thoughts swayed in this direction, he realized how beautiful the maiden's eyes were.

Elizabeth's eyes had an enchanting vibe.

At this, Aldrich began to wonder if she[Elizabeth] was even the slightest bit aware of her own charms.

Subduing his distracting thoughts, the Prince got ready his words.

"Curious you say... Well, to quell your curiosity, the Queen wants to have you sit with the Royal family for dinner at the Banquet Hall... tonight!"

"Tonight? Dinner with the Royal family? I am sorry, my Prince but you are mistaking. I should be on my way to my village in a matter of minutes.

Please help me tell Her Majesty that her benevolence is greatly appreciated but I'll have to pass," said Elizabeth in a polite yet firm tone.

'Such insolence!'

"Do you think that I... Prince Aldrich would come all the way to deliver the Queen's message to have you reject it?" Aldrich's tempo was elevated by now.

Elizabeth felt wronged.

'What did I say wrong? I really must go home. It seems every member of the Royal family is just as imposing.'

"My prince... please I-"

"Please, nothing!"

"Elizabeth! My prince! Is anything the matter?"

The speaker who had just come to rescue Elizabeth from her current situation was the Court lady, Sigrid and Elizabeth felt the most grateful.

Looking at Sigrid with a mild smile plastered on his face, Aldrich prepared his comeback speech.

"Court lady Sigrid... I came here to do something and that very thing has been done. Now I'll take my leave," said Adrich.

He then glanced at Elizabeth one more time to say his final words...

"See you soon. Elizabeth!" said Aldrich before he started on his way; taking majestic steps further away from the yard.

The Court lady waited for him to make it even much further away. She then turned to Elizabeth who was looking dazed herself.

"What was that all about with the Prince Aldrich?"