My Only Regret...

The woman whose silhouette Ezekiel's icy gaze was centred on looked middle-aged but what was more bothersome to Zeke, was the fact that her eyes reeked of craftiness.

'Can this woman really be Elizabeth's mother or an overly pompous governess or even a housekeeper?' contemplated the King's aide all the while Mrs Blythe darted her eyes from one man to the next.

Ezekiel let her have her minute. 

Of course, she shouldn't be so dumb not to realize their fashion style resembled that of men-in- service to the King of Aegremonth.

IF truly she had partaken of the journey to the King's inauguration ceremony.

She should, therefore, have no reason to doubt. Reasoned Zeke.

"No reason to doubt indeed!" blurted Mrs Blythe as reality hit her.

She then forced out a sparkling brilliance in her intelligent eyes.

Furthermore she gave off a pregnant smile.

"Gentlemen of noble dwellings! I dare say you have journeyed long and hard to this place for nothing. 

However, the truth remains that my husband—Mr Jacob Blythe is not home at this hour..."

While the sound of Letita's next words trailed off in Ezekiel's mind, his thinking faculty shot open.

'Husband? Did she just indirectly assert herself to be Elizabeth's mother?' contemplated Zeke then he re-assessed the woman's features with a penetrating gaze.

He didn't mind the words that continued to escape the parting of the woman's lips.

'They don't look alike or is it my imagination? Definitely not! A daughter should take most of the mother's features at least. 

But this woman, unlike that maiden, has brown eyes. Her hair... is rich in golden-brown flavour as well, unlike Elizabeth's. 

Also, she is slightly round and... short! Do we have ourselves an imposter? Or am I simply quick to judge?'

Ezekiel then re-adjusted himself to lay meaning to the woman's next words.

"... Now, it is not ideal as you know it to have you three gentlemen into the house which should have been the case considering how far you've journeyed. 

Nonetheless, my attentiveness is with you. 

Speak your words to me and I will have my husband become aware of it," concluded Letita with a cheerful smile adorning her face, still.

Ezekiel hummed a sigh. 

He knew the men beside him would have done the same except they didn't want to hurt the Speaker's feelings.

'She sure has a lot of words in store!' concluded Theodore in his heart.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel had orchestrated in his heart that his speech was going to be as directly indirect as possible!

He had his doubts about her, still.

"IF I am correct, you have revealed to us through your speech that your husband, Mr Blythe, is out of the house and you are his wife, Mrs Blythe. Were these your words?" 

Ezekiel asked the woman with a visage that masked every emotion his words should naturally portray.

Without letting a second fly past, Mrs Letita Blythe had her lips drift apart to give him a response.

"Kind gentleman, your sensible assertions are not in any way incorrect. Yes! I am Mrs Blythe... Mrs Letita Blythe and my husband's name was what I aforementioned," said Louisa's mother as she smiled, dryly.

'What is his purpose for asking to confirm my place in my husband's house?' pondered Mrs Blythe internally.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel had more to say.

"IF that is true, then I will speak to you in confidence about the King's demand."

"Thank you. I believe I am attentive enough," said Mrs Blythe coolly.

Ezekiel then nodded slightly.

"Our Great King, and Lord Sovereign—Lord Briceus, has deliberated and concluded that he indeed requires the services of your daughter. 

Hence, we have come here on his behalf!"

Once Ezekiel had finalized speaking those words, Theodore and the other mercenary nodded in affirmation.

Meanwhile, Letita could not believe her ears.

Her heart began to thump so rapidly like it would burst as a result of having to keep in so much excitement.

Therefore, she turned her face towards the corner slyly in a bid to avoid embarrassing herself before the King's men before her.

'My god! The heavens have not let me down! Aye! Who should have guessed that in the heat of the commotion, the king still found the time to catch a glimpse of my Louisa's beauty. 

My sweet girl! 

Did I not say from the moment she was birthed that your very name would bring upon us such fame? 

Ah! Jacob isn't here to behold such tidings with his ears and my sweet Louisa! I am truly happy indeed!'

Turning herself back to the men, Mrs Blythe was overjoyed with her next utterances.

"I certainly feel obliged to rejoice at this news you have brought and it would have been beautiful if my husband had returned home before your arrival," said Letita in a tone of utmost composure.

She then continued.

"Nonetheless, as his partner in marriage, I share his joy on his behalf but there is a slight problem you should be aware of."

"What problem?" asked Ezekiel in an impatient manner.

[Probably, she wants to draw my attention to the hearsays of His Majesty's demon half side and if that were the case, then she is a dutiful mother to show such concern for Elizabeth]

"Thank you for your kind question. The problem is that my daughter is not at home at the moment and I wish she were because wouldn't the king request for her at once to properly re-assess her?" asked Mrs Blythe while she let her cheeks drool on purpose as though she was thoroughly pained and should burst into tears any minute now.

Seeing the woman like this, Ezekiel thought...

'See how sad she is! She certainly misses Elizabeth and even though I feel the King's approach is too rigid, what can I do? 

Also, would she not feel terribly broken once she learns of the King's intention to buy off her daughter?'

Once again, Zeke sighed.

"I understand how sad you must feel as a mother who has been apart from her daughter for so long. It is-"

"Oh no! Kind sir! You must have made a mistake. My daughter ran off to one of her friend's late in the morning but she should be back in a few minutes. My only regret is if she were here already."

At this revelation, Ezekiel stood befuddled.