Are You That Desperate To Die?

Ezekiel paved his way across the threshold to the other side of it, in order to make his appearance before his Lord, Briceus. Also, to give his pre-purposed report on the outcome of searching out said assailant throughout the night until that hour of the morning. 

Realizing that Zeke had subsequently made his entrance into the King's private dining space, Aldrich, who'd barely taken two solid steps in a bid to get away from that place, stopped in his tracks abruptly. His outrage had heaved up to his chest by now and as a matter of fact further exploded into a flaming shooting star which was now shooting up to the heavens with incredible heat and top-burning speed. Someone needed to die that minute!

He could not contain his emotion of being subtly repressed and his ego intentionally wounded by the person of the King. Even more so how he'd mocked him of the Banquet hall's incident on purpose. 

Despicable! Aldrich thundered in his mind.