In A Lifetime

The jaunt back to the Castle had begun to feel completely dragged in Elizabeth's opinion. But was it really? She began to rationalize the situation. 

It could be that due to how carefree and excited she was on the day of her outing with Oletha from the Castle to the marketplace, that she'd not been thoroughly observant of the amount of distance which they had actually covered.

Added to this could also be the gap between the marketplace and her Uncle Harrow's home which sat towards the far eastern side of the country of Aegremonth.

Letting the thought slide in and out of her mind easily, Elizabeth sighed in a tiresome manner. 

Oletha, who was seated by her Lady's side, was careful not to miss this act of Elizabeth's. 

She decided on forming a topic to talk about, and then tilted her head towards Elizabeth whilst parting her frail lips to speak her case.