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Naturally, the girl's demeanour should have deterred Briceus from pushing the discussion further, especially how Elizabeth's words had just now come off as a solid warning. 

Briceus could not shake off her words so easily at first. 

More so the fact that she had really just spoken her demands in the rudest possible way. At least that was how his ego had interpreted Lizzie to have said her words. 

His most natural self would have resulted in letting out a hilarious laughter. The kind that would suffocate the overall air of that place and further cause the girl to bite her tongue from feeling stupid. But he couldn't do so this time around. 

By this time, Briceus could not deny how brutally insulted he had now begun to feel but if he was being truly sincere, he would admit that it was her harsh rejection of him that had just murdered his pride and every iota of ego he'd successfully clung tightly to all these years.