Princess Agatha - Part 2


Aldrich thundered his call in a rather displeasing and gravelly tone the minute he pushed open the entrance door of that place with great annoyance.

He had done so without taking into consideration how the very act could endanger anyone who may have stayed behind the door. 

His footsteps were heavy as he continued to stomp his way deeper into the area. 


The Prince growled even more angrily this time as soon as he could now see his mother (Queen Athena) in the sitting area of her private chamber. 

Queen Athena, meanwhile, had been undergoing her Beauty hour session. Right before her son had unruly interfered with her session, a hand-maiden of quality skill; Rachel, was helping to massage Her Majesty's temples to alleviate her of any lingering stress.

Aldrich, as it were, paid no mind to how he had altered the enjoyable situation the Queen was formerly in.