I Like Your Eyes - Part 2

Subsequently, the flamboyant coach which had Princess Agatha seated richly on the insides drew to a halt as the horses trotted to a slow stop. 

The carriage had halted some five paces away from where Queen Athena and the others stayed waiting. Even at that, the sight of the horses ever so large and scary-eyed nearly gave the Queen a heart attack. 

But she was brave to hold her place. Instead, she allowed her excitement for getting to see Agatha to overshadow any other menial feeling. 

"Aldrich," the Queen was all smiles by now, grinning from ear to ear whilst she spoke to her son, "Do hurry, your bride is here. Be the gentleman I raised and go help my sweet sweet girl to get down from her coach."

The woman's sapphire blue eyes glinted a warm glow whilst she spoke. 

But Aldrich wasn't displaying the same degree of excitement. 

He opened his mouth and began to say to her instead;