The Kiss Did Happen - Part 3

"Do you think of me as a man who is easy to use and let go off just like that?"

Lizzie blinked her eyes a couple. 

"How did I-" He raised his hand to hush her from speaking further whilst he resumed his next words in the same time of accusation as he'd used just now. 

"Just how easy to dispose of do you think I am? Mm?"

She prepared herself to speak by now. 

"Your Majesty, I did not-"

The rest of her words were forever glued to her throat due to what happened next. But Briceus would not have her withhold her words just now. 

"Say what you want to say to me, Elizabeth. I am listening." 

"Your Ma-" she swallowed instead, "It-it is hard," she swallowed again, "I cannot concentrate like this."

"You cannot?" he teased her with his remark despite having them both stay dangerously close to each other by now and so suddenly.