Of Demons... Of Vultures...

—The Yonder Realm —

Nine heavens above the earth realm sat the world which was bathed in deep mysteries and enchanting magic... the world occupied by the demon gods and other mythical creatures. 

At present, four eager eyes were peering into a globe mirror. They did this from time to time so as to oversee the affairs of the Kingdoms which ruled the earth. 

Looking intently in this mirror which emitted darts of burning flame about it, the private morning affair of Briceus and Elizabeth was all they'd stayed their overall focus about. 

Someone was forced to speak..

"That should be all the observation we need for now, Dusa." The one said and snapped her fingers to make the mirror flicker into fumes of dust. 

She had done this because of how much she disapproved of the love situation she'd just now observed.

'Things should not go like this,' she buried her thoughts inside her heart. Just before her companion decided to speak up..