Secrets - Part 3

"When did I ever refer to you as being foolish, my dear?" Jacob asked in a mellowed voice despite how badly he was raging on the inside. 

"You just did less than a few seconds ago." Her response caused him to grimace at her but that was it! He was growing impatient from having to wait an eternity for Bessie to say her words already.

"Hurry on with your words already woman. I do not have all day to wait for you to prepare your words!" he charged at his housekeeper without an atom of regret. He was getting more frustrated by the unnecessary interruption on Bessie's line of talk by his wife's excesses. 

He stayed waiting for the woman to speak. 

Louisa, meanwhile, had stayed her attention on the housekeeper the entire time, not paying any mind to her mother's subtle gimmicks and clever words. 

Bessie began her words even more confidently this time; 

"That letter you found in her bedroom... and I mean the young miss's bedroom, was not written-"