11. 00 A. M


Cloppity-cloppity !

Cloppity-cloppity !!

Cloppity-cloppity !!! 

The noisy trek of the horses' hooves as they kept striking hard against the stones on the dirt road continued to filter into Beth's ears undermining her efforts of trying to shut out her overall environment completely from her mind. 

She was clearly not in a good mood.

Some hours ago, she had been incredibly joyful, so excited about meeting with Briceus for not just the sole reason of stealing the chance to plant a kiss on his cheeks, but his soul which he had put into calligraphing such beautiful wordings to her in that note, had caused her to begin to feel the desire to mouth out her direct response to him regarding how she truly felt towards him.

But not this time!

Everything had changed. 

"My lady-"

The familiar girl's voice instantly jolted her out of her reverie. Yet, Beth reclined herself to consider a second matter..