The Talk (2)

"Tell me this: what dealer did you contact to prescribe you with the charm you used on that man?"

'What man? ..And what charm?!' Agatha, in the meantime, was expecting an immediate answer. She would not even spare her a minute to deliberate on the talk. 

"I believe you heard my question loud and clear. Did you not, my dear?" 

"I don't know about any dealer and I do not understand what charms you have just now mentioned."

"Oh come off it, will you?" Agatha snapped, "Clearly," she began to walk menacingly towards her presumed prey, "the king could not have settled for being with you and even making an open show of his emotions for you in the presence of those delegates if you did not charm him in some way. So, tell me. This dealer.. Potion maker.. What tribe is he from?"