
She lay on her back, head resting on the pillow and eyes locked toward the ceiling. She had a list of thoughts; memories, swarming her mind at the moment.

After her brief encounter with Gabriel, he'd promised to have her ushered into the most exotic bedroom in the building facility. The fact that he could actually keep to his words surprised her beyond words. In a short time, Victoria got escorted into this place; her bedroom, which she considered more attune to his tastes for her than it did, her preferences.

Her first entry into this place, she knew she despised everything about it. The dominant colour that stung her irises from all angles was Yellow and all shades of it. She didn't particularly hate the colour exactly, it was the reminder of how she used to love the sunflowers and fondle them as a human that got her upset. Wrong again! Her disgust spanned from the consciousness that she was no more a human and could never return to being one.