In A Better Place

A Few Days Later**

The air got colder and brutally so as Victoria got down from the coach: She put her foot forward to meet the other one and there she stood, simply looking.

''I should be returning to that inn by the town.'' A macho voice resonated in the freezing cold. The wind whistled its breath of chill. It flew her head wrap away from its place, and cascaded her naked hair in a violent way: causing her hair to swish up and about the place, it constantly slapped on her face. Victoria stayed with it. She was already pale-looking enough. Why did the heavens rain its white pellets easily on her regardless? The fur coat she wore—which was handed her down by Veronika—, had by this time gotten immaculately meshed with snow.

The contrast was that she wasn't freezing; however, the horses were.

She turned around to speak to the man.

''Take! Here is your pay.''