

Name : Kai Litt

Race : Skeleton Level 3

Job : Necromancer Level 1

STR : 5

DEX : 2

INT : 1

CON : 6

FATE : 4

Available points: 4

"I wonder what fate is," Kai mumbled to himself, and suddenly heard the nigh-robotic and female voice of the system again.

*Player's stats correlate to player's abilities and qualities in reality*

"I could have guessed that myself," Kai scoffed and asked the system, "Will I be smarter if I raise my INT stat?"

*Player's stats correlate to player's abilities and qualities in reality*

"Man, this is annoying," Kai said and quickly decided to put his points into fate just to see what happens. His FATE was now 8, his currently highest stat.

After acclimating to his surroundings better since he is no longer in immense pain, Kai's gaze circled the lab and started inspecting other things around. He thought it would be great if he somehow levelled up again with more of these items. 48 Hours was a lot better than before, but it still meant death stalked him only 2 days behind.

After opening a few drawers, he found the same black liquid again and although he had experienced unbelievable pain, it would probably be better than dying. However, since his pain was completely gone, now, he wondered if the pain was real at all.

"Look who is fine and dandy again?!" Lloyd suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs. He almost had a grin on his face, as if he knew Kai would be in unimaginable pain.

"It was a breeze, in fact, do you have any more?" Kai said with half a smile in return. Even though Lloyd and his stats crept him out immensely, he didn't want to be bullied by this guy.

"I do, but you won't need it," Lloyd said and added, "I assume you are still deconstructing, just at a slower rate?"


Seeing a 2.5 metres tall skeleton yelling "yup" had almost disgusted Lloyd. This skeleton was abnormal to the extreme, more human than himself perhaps.

"That's fine, that liquid was just so you could endure."

"Endure what?"

A man of absurd stature walked amongst his subordinates as he yelled each of them their orders to stock up, maintain barricades and scout certain areas.

"Be quick, you maggots! We are fighting for our lives here!"

Captain Gort was a man who stood at 2.5 metres, the same as Kai, and although he was not the highest-ranked person in the city, his word was the law just the same. I mean, who is gonna go up against a muscle-giant like him?

Gort had brown, slicked-back hair, and stubble along with a thick brush of eyebrows. He looked in his 40s. His voice was loud, and he also commanded immeasurable respect from his men. Each month, he destroyed innumerable undead and other monsters. One could say that without Gort, the city would have been breached multiple times already.

Gort only had one goal in life, to serve the City Lord to the utmost extent of his abilities. If the Lord decreed the city would be protected, then he would protect the city at all costs.

As Gort inspected the city's battery, he was suddenly distracted by the commotion at one of the gates. There was someone right outside making trouble.

"What is going on over there?!"

Gort was almost shaking the ground with each step as he neared. Some of the soldiers had to jump out of his way to avoid being squashed. His intimidating stature was a nightmare for most enemies.

Gort finally saw a bloodied man on his horse, forcefully gripping the collars of other soldiers, yelling almost unintelligibly at them.

"Where's the Captain?!" the man finally said. His erratic behaviour had almost managed to completely steal the attention away from Gort. He was almost impressed.

"Captain, an army is coming!"

"Calm down, lad," said Gort. "Now that I am here, all is well. Where are the other scouts?"

"All dead! Thousands of undead and multiple necromancers are coming this time. We should all go insi-"

"And how exactly are you still alive?" Gort interjected, eyeing the man as if looking at prey.

The erratic man seemed speechless for the first time as he looked around and felt the silence.

"I had to leave my friends behind just to get this message to the City Lord!" the man said, seemingly composing his thoughts.

Gort reached towards the man with his giant hands and grasped his head. He threw the man on the ground in full force which brought with it the sounds of his bones breaking.

The man slowly got up with a red flare in his eyes and a huge grin on his face.

"As expected from Captain Gort, defender of the Free City! You saw through my disguise in a flash! But you will die today just the same!" the man said and started cackling like a witch.

Gort took out a giant axe that only one of his stature would wield and cut the man in two with a simple arc and ordered the remaining soldiers to continue fortifying the city.

"How dare you become the puppet of some witch!"

Little did they know, Gort was ready to give the man an absolute beating simply for leaving his comrades behind anyway. Good thing he turned out to be a controlled pawn at the end, Gort was thinking. This was clearly the work of witches.

"A horde of goblins!" yelled one of the guards on the walls.

"Close the gate behind me!" Gort yelled and stepped outside with his giant axe with a grin on his face. "This will be a good work out." Gort often displayed such courage while mowing down enemies to boost the morale of his soldiers further.

Gort soon found himself lunged at by hundreds of green-ish creatures surrounding him from all sides. However, none of the creatures, who were barely as tall as Gort's waistline, managed to get close to him. The giant of a man looked sluggish with his stature, but the truth was that he looked as if doing a battle dance as he mowed through the goblins.

Amidst the goblins, three people rose, clearly distinguished by their heights similar to humans. They all wore regalia depicting a different animal; Deer, Bear and Crow. The skinwalker witches were notorious amongst the underground cities for their brutality and sheer power.

Gort clicked his tongue and didn't hesitate even for a second to open himself a path through the goblins toward the closest skinwalker, Deer. Even though he was the fastest amongst the witches, he also had the weakest defence.

A dark green light passed through Gort's hands into the axe as he threw the axe with all his might. The axe shot forward like a meteor at the witch and hit him in the chest, opening a hole as the axe continued forward and killed multiple goblins.

"I have been meaning to return this favour to you," Gort scoffed as he revealed a scar on his shoulder with a mocking smile.

Bear and Crow didn't move to check on Deer and moved to attack Gort, who was currently unarmed. Bear and Crow flanked him from both sides as they started their devastating barrage on Gort, who could only defend himself at this point.

"Help Captain Gort!" the soldiers yelled a battle cry as they moved to open the gates.

"Keep the gate closed!" Gort yelled as some of his blood splattered on Bear. "Call the City Lord!"

Even though he had lost his weapon, the only reason Gort was being pushed back was due to the fact that Crow was looking for an opportunity for a vital strike, and he had to be cautious, he couldn't randomly attack.

"Why are you bastards attacking the city?!" Gort yelled. "You have no interest in it!"

Skinwalkers have always been more or less neutral unless it involved some mystical item they wanted, which led to a few clashes between the city and the skinwalkers, but they never allied with any other group nor attacked the city.

As he spoke, Gort realised he had lost sight of Crow. His eyes frantically searched for him as his dented armour and bloodied body became more battered with each passing second. Gort had once beaten one of the skinwalkers, Crow, but he couldn't kill him. His current circumstance angered Gort even further.

"Even without a weapon, I'm still better than all of you!" Gort yelled and clashed with Bear, forcing him back while using his other hand to defend against the attack from his rear and clashed against Crow. Crow's sinister yellow eyes were visible behind his mask and they had no mercy in them, only the urge to kill.

After successfully repelling the remaining trio, Gort suddenly stopped moving and wore a dazed look on his face. He turned to the guards at the gate and gave the command:

"Open the gate now!"