Blood Art

Incubus Commanders were the first ones to engage the witches. While witches had already fully healed, they were severely injured after the battle only some hours ago. They all wore bitter faces and had no hope for the future. These proud incubi were reduced to feeble creatures who had no control over their lives anymore.

After the shock attack, beasts poured inside the camp and the demons were slaughtered left and right. Kai didn't trust his current abilities too much without his poison, so he stayed back. If he felt he was overwhelmed, he'd issue a mental command to either Viragin or multiple of his other zombies.

Amid the battle, Lady Naamah appeared from inside the biggest tent with a dissatisfied expression on her face. Aldan and Barbas accompanied her. While the latter still looked lofty and unworried, the former was akin to a child who had just been reprimanded.