Twisted Heart

At this point, there were only six Holy Knights left on the scene while Kai was just as bloodthirsty, if not more. Both sides got ready to engage one another, and even though Kai's side currently had an overwhelming advantage, he didn't dare to be too reckless.

The remaining Holy Knights didn't even move from their spot before Kai would. If it was possible, they'd run away. However, they have already seen how that turned out…

With the death of Bishop Simone, the Holy Knight who had been speaking to Kai had assumed the position of a leader naturally.

However, from the other side of the street, a lone man with white hair appeared, with yellow tattoos covering his entire naked upper body. The tattoos were still frequent enough that he looked as if he was wearing the attire of an emperor.

"Where is the Dragon's Claw's leader?" the lone man asked, again in a casual manner with tranquil eyes.