The Village of Gothorn

it was a worm day in gothorn village the harvest season was upon them so many were busy doing there work all the village was warm and many were in there fields or sorting the harvest for winter

in the east side of the village the was a small farm with a few cows and chickens a beast of a man 2 meters tall and as strong as an ox was working the fields with the help of his children

lux a 7 year old boy as weak as a shrimp trying to help in anyway he can and his older brother bran who was 13 years old messing with his little brother with a frog he found

lux "stoppp dad help"

the ox man stood up and look at the 2 of them play fighting with a smile

trin "ok barn your older so hurry up i need help getting the harvest in we only have a few days and lux go see if your mother needs any help"

lux ran in the house with a smile were he sore his little brother and sister

Jess 4 years old girl barely able to walk

and mush how was only 3 months old

Jess was always week her body attacked by illness but she never cried

lux" mom dad told me to come help you"

then from another room a woman came in holding a basket of food

Mary "good you can help me make diner and stop fighting with your brother i can hear it all the way in hear"

lux looked a bit upset at that but he was still siting there smiling

ok go grab me a knife and the vegetable

after awhile of helping his mom prepared food it started getting latte

Trin and Bran just got back from the fields with tired looks on there faces

Bran" mom what's for dinner I'm starving"

Mary " hurry up we've been waiting for half an hour for you 2"

Trin" ok just sit down at the table we will all eat now as a family"

after dinner they all started going to bed Trin and Marys bed was on the first flour with baby Mush's cot next to them jess also slept in there bed Brans bed was the next room over and lux's bed was in the attic with some tools and a small bed after all the house wasn't big

he woke up in the knight looking out a small window

lux 'whys it so cold tonight its not winter yet'

when he was looking around he decided to go out side for a walk this wasn't uncommon of him he like the night time he walked into the woods by the house after 5 minutes of walking he heard a wolf howl which didn't bother him this would was a common wolf ground but then he heard more wolf sounds not one or two but it turned into hundreds he got panicked and ran home as fast as he could but he tripped and hit his head

lux that's and orc on a wolf mou...'

he fell unconscious

he woke up and looked around but sore nothing and there was some blood on his head but nothing seemed off so he fort the head bump made him hallucinate the orc rider as he made his way home he smelt iron in the air

lux 'what's that smell'

lux rand home when he was out side he sore horror filled his face he sore blood everywhere every animal was butchered and left to rot he walked round to the front of the house and he fell to the ground his little brother was lying on the ground lifeless with blood trails leading to the village square

lux 'pls mother brother sister be ok I'm coming'

thinking there was still a chance of them being alive he sprinted at full speed to the village after he arrived he learnt what the smell of death was the smell that would stay with him for a very long time but the horror he sore the pain he felt the was 4 pile of corpses each had a spear with a head on them each one was his family already the smell of rot got in his nose making him violently through up

he sat there crying whispering to himself for around 6 hours until a group of knights came by and some the grewsome seen one aprouched the boy

knight "boy what the fuck has happened hear explain now"

knight 2 "leave the boy alone he's distort go report this to the knight commander the wolf riders have attacked again this is the 3 village this mouth"

knight " what do we do with the boy we could just sell him to the slave traders not much left hear for him"

knight 2 "boy what's your name"

lux "l u x

knight 2 " well lux you have 2 choices you ever come with us and become a slave or we give you to a orphanage

in this world orphanages were just fancy words for chilled labour

lux panicked he didn't want to be a slave nor go to the orphanage so he came up with an idea

lux " but sire knight what about the monster on the over side of the village i heard them say they will be back"

this took the knights by surprise the were scared because the amount of knights they had was only 6 if 4 wolf riders came the could decimate this group of knights

knight 1 "hay kid how many are there tell us now"

grabbing lux by his clothes tearing it

lux panicked and said "six"

all the knights started to sweat bullets as they looked around

knight 1 " what do we do"

knight 2 " lets get out of hear leave the kid he will only slow us down we need to report this fast and get some cavalry"

lux was on the flour after the knight throw him down after getting the answer he asked for

lux found a torch on a house still lit he walked to the corps piles and said

lux "i will find who what did this i swear to you"

tears streaming down his face he lit the piles on fire and ran to the edge of the village

this day would be known as the day death found fear

it was the beginning of the great magic era magic in the world was becoming more dance and more people had aptitude for magic gothorn was on the west of the kingdom of saint rose near the boarder of the thorn empire but war on the boarder was scares after the 5 year war that raged after that peace has lasted for 20 years but gothorn was close to 2 boarders one was the abyss mounting range nothing but monsters and death

the orcs come from the thorn empire but the orcs are still only a miner race there humans still dominated the majority all races are equal in this world except the week