as he was thinking what laid beyond the mounting range he started to feel his mana swell in his stomach it was so that it started to hurt
lux "what's happening to me"
grimoire 'mana intake to much your body cant handle to much mana at your age so its overflowing'
lux "what do I do will I die AHHHHH"
the pain was getting more and more he started to get cold sweats down his face
grimoire 'most necro summoners have similar problems but you have me i can absorbed the excess mana making me stronger do you consent'
lux "yes yes make it stop"
after finishing his sentence the pain started to go down slowly but it went down
lux "so why cant i abosrbe more mana"
grimoire 'death mana is toxic to living beings to much mana in as small time will overload you with toxins that's why it takes along time to become a necromancer'
lux "status"
lux ??? (weak)
age 7
strength 1.1
speed 1.1
mana 30
skills (new) toxin resistance (week)
spells bone spear, bone shield, death poison, summon lesser undead, summon undead crow, death poison spear, death poison shield, (new) bone bullet
lux " hay what's with the new things on my status"
grimoire 'you have got a skill from surviving the toxins in the death mana meaning you have higher resistance to toxins like poisons, gases as for your strength when your body goes through pain it becomes stronger the more pain the stronger you become as for the new spell with the mana you got and the mana you gave to me it unlocked a new spell'
spell bone bullet
consumes 1 mana per bullet
condenses a small bone bullet and shoots it as high velocity at target the more mana you use the faster it will go
lux "cool this is going to be useful I can kill all the monsters from a long distance"
grimoire 'no at your level it will barely kill a rabbit at 50 meters this spell is support to be used by necromancers at most your mana can kill an adult male at 5 meters with 20 points of mana that's if your lucky to brake bones'
lux " then what's the point if its useless"
grimoire 'its not useless i can leave small cuts on peoples body's even with the lowest man you use it will levee a tiny cut mixt with other magic it can be useful'
lux ????
lux "poison bone bullet"
after saying that a Wight ball with black liquid shot out of fin air
poison bone bullet
this spell is a combo of bone bullet and death poison
mana 4
lux "why dose it need so much mana bone bullet only needs one"
grimoire ' 1 mana to make the bone bullet 1 mana to make the poison 1 mana to combined the 2 spells so the poison doesn't fall of and one for the velocity of the bullet'
lux "ow I'm to tired to think about this i will think about it along the way tomorrow skeleton python guard the cave entrance"
after saying that the skeleton python slivered to the start of the small cave and lux curled up in the wolf skin thinking about his family he started to feel lowly but also hatful to whoever took his family from him after a while he fell to sleep
after awhile the was a shadow in the sky fly above the clouds it looked down on the entire mountain range he sore the skeleton python at the entrance of the cave it was a small cave from certain angles you can see strait to the bottom
??? "a boy surviving on death mountain range hahaha it looks like he's a necro wizard no wonder he can survive lets keep an eye on him"
after a minuet the shadow disappeared
the sun came up as lux woke up he heard a noise out side the cave entrance lux stud up and walked out side and he sore the skeleton python fighting a sky hawk and the hawk was wining after seeing this he decided to wait for an opportunity after a few more attacks he told the skeleton python to play dead after a few minuets of circling it landed a few feet away after a second lux acted
lux "poison bone bullet"
it shot strait at the hawks head but the hawk was fast it hoped to the side but the stone bullet clipped its wing with the poison and the wound on the wing it struggled but then the python struck it right on the neck the hawk struggled but it died in a few seconds
lux " yes nice hit pythane.... i should give you a name how about snake bone"
snake bone
skeleton python
strength 6.5
speed 8
death mana 12
skill sneak attack, play dead
spell poison shot, poison fang
lux "wow snake bone you got stronger"
after being praised by lux snake bone started waging its tale like a dong
lux "ok lets have a look at the hawk"
after awhile he walked over to the dead hawk
lux "summon lesser undead"
after saying that his mind went blank and the hawk corps glowed black
grimoire 'summon undead crow has evolved into summon undead hawk'
lux 'wait what'
grimoire 'summon spells can evolve with different summons you do for example lesser undead can evolve into undead summoning, greater undead summoning or you get it when you become a certain rank'
after that a bone hawk flow on lux's shoulder when he wasn't paying attention which started him
lux "what should I call you black claw"
after awhile he sore the hawk had black claws
lux "summon status"
black claw
skeleton hawk (lesser undead)
strength 4
speed 9
death mana 8
skill shared vision, poison claw
spells monster sense
lux "what's monster sense"
grimoire 'there are many type of spells you can only use necro spells but your summons can use different spells depending on the nature before being dead the spell monster sense is a simple spell that allows the caster to know what's around him for a mile per 1 mana'
lux "how many category's of spells are there"
grimoire 'the type you wield is necro then theirs fire, water, earth, wind, shadow, light, support, taming and some sub category's monster sense is a support spell you can use necro spells and shadow spells when you reach the black lich level'