A Comprehensive Breathing Guide For Dummies



Elias's mouth slowly widened to a grin.

"If I can get this much just by breathing deeply for five seconds, it means it will take roughly fifteen minutes for one point of cultivation base."

"This means I can get one of the quests done, in a jiffy, it only requires 10 CB points."

"Wait a minute. Status!"

Elias quickly covered his mouth as he remembered that he does not have to talk aloud to interact with the system. It would be bad if he attracted anyone or anything to himself.


Host name: Elias Gunn

Aliases: Feron

Age: 15

Body - 2.1

Strength: 0.5(0.8)

Dexterity: 0.9

Constitution: 0.7(0.8)

Energy - 1

Inner Energy: 0

Spiritual Power: 0

Soul Force: 1

Cultivation Realm: N/A

Cultivation Base: 12/0

Techniques: N/A

Skills: N/A

Current status: Light injuries detected. Rest is advised.


*I already have enough! Quests!*

The transparent screen quickly changed it's contents. Now it was a blank screen with three buttons, "Current Tasks", "Ready Tasks", "Create New Task".

*System, what does the "Create New Task" button do? I can give myself quests?*

[Host can set up a task for the system to formulate requirements and track the progress.]

*Convenient. System, create new task, advance cultivation realm.*


[Host has created a new task]

Task: Reach Qi Condensation 1st Layer

Requirements: CB 12/150

*System, how much time will it take with my current CB point gain speed?*



[At current rate, it will take at least 38 hours of non stop cultivation.]

*Thirty eight? Ugh, System, open the "Ready Tasks" screen*

Transparent screen changed once again. This time it shown a lonely task sitting in the middle of the screen. When Elias focused on it, a prompt appeared.

[Host has completed all the requirements for this task.]

[Do you wish to complete it?]


[Energy received. Technique modeling in progress. ETA: 1 hour.]

*I guess I should finish picking the herbs then, skies are getting darker already.*


An hour later he was approaching the village with a basket full of herbs. When he finally reached Yel's house, he heard laughter coming from the inside.

"Hahaha, I truly envy you, brother. If only my kid was as talented as your son." - a burly man with a scar across his face was drinking wine with Yel.

It was Ohu, Yel's older brother. Ohu and Yel were sons of one of the tribal elders, Sovsem, who was the tribe's herbalist. And while Ohu was the one who would inherit their father's trade because Yel wasn't talented in this regard, Yel still got to experience the benefits of being a son of an elder. That's how he became the supervisor in the first place.

Elias felt a bit annoyed at how much fun these two were apparently having, so he decided to drop off the herbs quickly and leave right away. He opened the door and stepped inside.

"What the hell are you doing! Don't you see we are drinking here?"

Both of their faces were red, and by how much empty jugs were strewn around, those two were drinking for at least half a day. Just the thought of them drinking while he was working hard, fighting for his life and traversing tens of kilometers, made Elias experience anger he never knew he could feel. He made a mental note to kick Yel's ass thoroughly later.


[Host has created a new task]

Task: Defeat Yel

Requirements: Get stronger

More research into the opponent's power is advised.

Hearing this made him want to get back to his hut sooner, so he can check the breathing technique system created.

It was Yel's voice that snapped him back to reality.

"Calm down, Ohu!" - the red faced supervisor sluggishly said - "Feron, get your ass here and drink for my son's health!"

He extended a cup to Elias. Thinking that he probably won't have much of a chance to drink anytime soon, he took the cup and downed it in one go.

"Hahahah, even village's fool knows how to drink! Now take your food and get your ass out of here!"

As Elias stepped outside, he heard voices coming from the inside once again.

"This idiot is very useful, Ohu. He somehow manages to find twice the amount of herbs every day consistently. I just take the extras and give them to my son."

*Now you've done it, asshole, I will remember that.*

Five minutes later, Elias finally entered his hut. Right away he plopped on his bed and started looking at the breathing technique the system created.

[Basic Breathing Technique]


Effect: Increased CB point gain

Mastery 0/100

While the overview was simple, when Elias focused on the technique, a screen with detailed instructions popped up. The instructions were quite thorough, so thorough, that they spanned twenty-seven pages long.

After reading it thrice and memorizing key moments, Elias attempted to breathe according to the manual, however the effect was still the same.






*Why isn't it working? I am following the instructions closely.*

He checked the technique once again and noticed something new.

[Basic Breathing Technique]


Effect: Increased CB point gain

Mastery 1/100

*Mastery increased, huh. Does it mean it will only take effect after mastering it? Only one way to find out.*




*Finally! So it increases progressively!*

Elias kept practicing the technique for an hour longer, before going to sleep with a satisfied expression.


Morning has reminded him of the dinner he skipped, so the first thing he did when he woke up was to stuff himself with food. After eating his fill, he has noticed that hunger woke him up a bit earlier than usual, so he decided to practice some breathing before going out.


"Why is it lower?"

For some reason, the rate at which he gathered energy fell overnight.

*Does it depend on how long I practice?*





*No, it is still the same...*

*Did I get it wrong yesterday? I swear, I saw nineteen, not twelve!*

After a few more attempts which did not produce any different results, Elias stopped and decided to try again later. There may be different variables affecting the result.

*Maybe it is an issue of varying energy density, or something like that?*

Having checked in with the hungover Yel, he quickly left for the forest. During his short trip, he tried to execute the breathing technique while he was walking, but this strange and irregular breathing pattern only made him gasp for air.

Upon reaching the forest, he started looking for Blue Alacita right away. Yesterday's experience was still vivid enough in his mind. Elias looked upon his now healed arm and wondered what exactly caused it to heal overnight? Was it the herbal effect or the abundant energy he accumulated through his newly obtained breathing technique. Cultivators are known to possess strong regenerative capacity after all.

*But can I even be counted as one? I have some internal energy, but I guess since I did not reach the first realm yet, it is kinda hasty.*

Continuing to ponder over this question, Elias settled on the combination of those two factors probably being the answer. Problem was, he did not know for sure if he could rely on them. Or rather just how far those effects go. Furthermore, he needed to know if there was really a difference between just using the herb and using the herb together with execution of the breathing technique. Considering his situation, it was extremely important to find it out. This may save his life tomorrow, or the day after.

*I will have to do some experimentation it seems.*

Herb basket quickly was filled with stalks of Blue Alacita. He gathered so much of it, he barely was able to close the basket.

*I am a total idiot. I gathered the herbs, but did not think any further.*


He looked upwards. Judging by the color of the sky and the feeling of a hollow bottomless pit in his stomach, it was afternoon already. He had only a handful of hours to come up with how not to waste all his hard work and to follow it up with bringing his plan into reality.

He decided to sort through his gains first, and found a place that was open and lit enough for that. He plopped down and placed his basket right beside him. But before getting to checking the herbs, he sat up properly and began to breathe according to the technique manual. He did it simply because it made him feel energized. The cool feeling that meandered through every single part of his body seemed to have a fatigue-eroding property.

After completing one full cycle and hearing the system notification in his mind, his mouth grew into a wide grin, while his eyes glimmered with liveliness.

"I understand it now!"