My Old Life

"Father, are you sure you didn't want to come with us??"

"I am sure, son. You no need to worry about me. You do realize how healthy I am, right?"

"But, this place do know that there is no supermarket, and even public transportation didn't reach here. How do you get daily necessities all this time?? Even though I know that you still living just fine until now, but at least if you come with me, I can help you a lot and make your life easier albeit a little."

"My presence would make your family awkward, right?"


"Haha, no need to feel guilty. Back in my day when I was young, I also hate it if a smelly elderly I didn't know of start living with me. On top of that, he also had an outdated look, making things even more difficult to bear, right?"


"Anyway, I am fine right now and also living the greatest of my life along with how I live with my dear wife, your mother back when we still like a lovebird."

With a lot of persuasions, my son with his family consisting of his son&daughter and their spouse finally go back from my little home. He indeed trying to mask his expression, but I know that whatever I said just now hit the mark.

I even manage to catch a glimpse of my 6 y/o little great-grandchildren doing a victory pose once they start to leave this broken and moldy living room I called house.

I would be lying if I said that I won't feel lonely. But, what can I do?

At the very least, I don't want to burden my precious family that I deemed important to feel troubled on my last step to the grave.

"...seeing them looking at me with a look of annoyance is hurting too."


Yes, being considerate like that make me thankful but I do know how they look at me.

The filial duty to treat me as their father/grandfather, unfortunately, aren't enough to make them look after me with sincere heartfelt. I can go together with them but their hands are all already full with their own problem, and they would also try to keep appearance to some extent, making the supposed to be daily life, into a day full of restrain.

If they want to live with me instead, food consisting of only vegetables and a little to no meat, no signal, electricity that always blackout a couple of times a day, no AC, no neighbor, and no entertainment would be the things that I can only offer.

If it were the past me, I wouldn't call this place a house, but an isolated prison that makes people's minds dulled.

Yet, it's a perfect place for me who start to feel burdened by all of these conveniences.

Looking at all of the dishes that already cleaned by the woman of the family before they leave, I then go to the back and pump some water and prepare to take a bath.

I didn't know how I smell, but I do know that they sometimes crinkled their nose every now and then whenever I get close to them.

Even though I already use the factory's soap, my oldmen smell still couldn't be masked that easily, especially for someone who does farming all day long.

I can use perfume if it was needed, but I deemed it as a bad choice.

I mean...a wrinkled elderly trying too hard would make you feel annoyed instead right??

"*sigh...I thought that the more I live, the less I care about such a trivial thing"

Human is indeed such a creature.

Those who always abide by other people, and tried to expect from others.

The more you feel disappointed, the less you care about.

And it seems that the last straw broke, and now I am a freeman.

If I can help it, I would very much want to dig my own grave and buried myself as to not make them come near me anymore.

It's not hatred, it's just...

"I want to be alone."

With such a tired body and mind, I then wash myself properly and then start to prepare my meal for dinner.

Before they left, they are kindly stock a lot of rice, eggs, oil, and also all of the basic cooking ingredients. If I need more, I can go to the nearest store, quite far away from here but still manageable because they also give me pocket money.

If it's still not enough, all of my son/daughter and grandson/daughter also prepare a bank account and card by collectively transfer it to it and then gave it to me before they left.

Though ATM machines only available on the market, very far away from where I am living right now so I need to make sure not to do it if possible.

I mean...I would become an easy target if the bad guy knows I am carrying money around, right?

"That's why, let's just be thankful for the only thing we have, shall we?"

Rice and egg, I can do some barter with my nearest neighbor.

Vegetable, I can grow them on my own.

Meat, should be difficult for my old body to digest so it seems that I only need to get it once in a while, no need to worry. A river where I can look for fish is available not that far away after all.

If it's not enough, I can go to the nearest neighbor to do some little barter again, just like always.

Of course, all is only could happen after I finish these stock first.

For tonight's dinner, a simple egg and rice with a lot of water spinach from the garden.

Cooking is not my hobby, but still something that I had done a lot after my dear wife passed away. After eating, I then walk around my little garden and tended them for a while.


"It seems like it's going to rain tonight. I have candles and matches prepared so there is nothing I can do much other than that. Let's just read a novel instead, hohoho"

This is my little secret.

Because one of my grandchildren doesn't like to associate much with another and only preoccupied with the books on his hand, I got curious and then he lent me his book when we finally get quite close to some extend.

As expected, it's a story full of blood and struggle, a very hotblooded story that makes your heart race in excitement, typical a youngling's favorite.

I didn't like it very much because of how the MC seems very dangerous fellow teaching others that violence is the only way, so I didn't manage to even read a tenth of it.

Probably offended because his hobby denied, he then recommends me a bunch of novels he had, and I finally stumbled upon one type of genre that suits me fine.

"Ohh, that's right that's right. Just learn a lot of skills, and you will become a dependable person. "

What I read is a story about a young man who somehow or another being given a system in his daily life and then uses it to his advantage to be the first ranking in his class. The rating is on the low side because there is no particular villain to be hated, but I personally think the fact that the MC wants to change is already interesting enough as is.

"Slice of life is the only way after all, ho ho ho"

As what thing that I use to read it, it's a smartphone that's given to me by my grandchildren's first salary. There is a thing that let me read a thing that consists of the book of novel. I just need to click that thing and choose the name of the book and then voila!

Such convenience couldn't be possible if she didn't trouble herself to look for the novel that I might interest in and then compile it for me to read without problem.

"What a precious child she is"

Recalling it back can't help but make me grin unconsciously. I dearly, from the bottom of my heart, wish that you would find your fated one as gentle and kind as you are, my precious.


But, my wandering mind couldn't help but cut off by the sudden blackout.

"Ah, it's indeed going to rain then."

Shaking my head and then turning on the torch feature of my phone, I then prepare a candle and make sure to lock all of the doors before then sitting again on top of the sofa in my living room.

After an hour of reading, my eyes start to feel tired and then I decide to stop for the day.

With those story influences, weirdly enough, I start to get troubled too. They seem to live their life to the fullest. It's a very envious way of living, but I didn't desire it that much though.

It's just...I feel like I need to look for a hobby and work too.

Before this, I am working as a normal farmer and start to retire around 5 years ago and then living with my little one's family which also the reason why I know how much trouble I caused them before deciding to live here on my own.

At that 5 years' time, I can only do some chatting with neighbors, helping with the housework, and then lazing around all day. A very peaceful way of living but now I crave for something more after that novel.

"Well, let's enjoy my life for now."

It would be great if there is a job work that's not physically exhausting and could be done with my capability.

With such thought, along with the rumble of thunder in my quite big house, alone in this dark night, I then fall asleep while not knowing that the change of my life had been decided once I put the phone beside me before sleeping.



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