Please Be Gentle, They're Sensitive

POV Weiss:

I found myself wandering the school after I overheard a conversation between Yang and Sapphire. I didn't know what to do. Father always said that the Faunus were savages incapable of compassion and that they were just animals only out for themselves, but if that is the case what was that?

There is no way she was faking that. I've never seen anyone capable of acting to that extent, even during the formal events that Father had me attend with him. The people that Father spoke to at those events always wore fake faces that hid their true desires, and while they were good at it, I was always able to tell that it was fake. I was not able to find that falsity in Sapphire's voice. It seemed real. It felt real. It can't be though. Father said it wasn't possible.

"Ah, hello there, Miss Schnee." I hear the voice of Professor Port from in front of me.

I look up and see Professor port standing in front of me. I take glances at my surroundings, and I realize that I have somehow made my way onto the same balcony that Professor Port had told me to be the best person I can be.

"Oh, hello Professor Port," I say with a voice lacing enthusiasm.

"Hmm? Is there something troubling you again, Miss Schnee?" Professor asks in that same knowing tone of voice he had the first time he asked me this.

"Well, I don't know," I reply hesitantly.

"Come on, no need for hesitation! Confess to me your strife!" Professor incorages me.

"Well, there is this, thing, that everyone always told me as a kid," I start only to pause.

"Yes, do continue," Professor Port urges.

"Well, something happened recently that goes completely opposite to what I was taught, and I don't know what to do." I continue, more than a little hopeful that Professor Port can help me out like he did last time.

"Aaah, a conflict between what was taught and what was learned. It is not uncommon for such things to happen," he starts.

"Really? So, what do I do then?" I ask hopefully.

"Well, that is solely up to you. Will you trust your teachings and follow the path you were told to, or will you trust you're own judgment and find your own trail to lead? Which would you rather do, Miss Schnee?" Professor Port spoke.

He didn't answer my question, but what he said was more than enough. How can I get away from the life that Father made for me if I just follow everything he taught me? How can I be myself if all my thoughts are someone else's?

I need to be the best person I can be, and that is not possible if I'm just what someone else wants me to be.

"Thank you, Professor," I say with elation.

"It seems You have made your decision," He says with expectation.

"Yes, I have," I say with determination.

POV Sapphire:

After meeting Jaune, I made my way back to the dorms.

I entered the room to find Blake leaning against the wall, and Yang sitting on her bed while comforting Ruby, who is sitting next to her.

"I'm back," I greet.

Ruby then looks at me and carefully asks, "Are you, okay."

I glance at Blake to see an almost invisible look of worry on her face, does she likely got the explanation as well.

I sit on my bed, address everyone in the room, and then say, "There is no need to feel pity toward me. I have just had some bad experiences. It is unfortunately very common to run into people who have. Just treat me like you would any other person."

I may have gone through some awful things, so much more than they are aware but I refuse to use that to gain sympathy points or as an excuse to act like a dick.

Ruby still looks like a lost puppy even with my reassurance, so I gesture with open arms for her to come over here. She takes to this immediately and a red blur struck my chest.

Ruby clung to me in a rather strong hug for someone her size and buried her face in my chest. I brought my arms around her and reciprocated the hug. This prompted the red ball of sunshine to push her face further into my chest.

I let her have this comfort for a while, but it seems she grew too comfortable. She is about to fall asleep in my arms. When I realized this, a teasing smirk found its way to my lips.

"Well, now, Ruby, I know my chest is soft, but they are not Pillows. If you want to take a nap I recommend you use your bed," I slowly get out with obvious teasing in my voice.

I ignore Yang's operant agreement to my chest being soft and attempt to continue my teasing.

I use attempt because when I bring my gaze back down, I am met face to face with the now very angry and very red-faced Ruby.

"Oh, shi-," I try to curse but before it all comes out Ruby pushes me down onto the bed and starts to relentlessly move her hands all over my body.

"HAHAHA, Sto, HAHA, plea, HAHA," I plead in between laughs as Ruby showers me with tickles.

"Never! This is your punishment!" I hear Ruby deny me mercy over the sound of my laughter.

I between my tossing and turning from Ruby's relentless assault, I look for help from Yang, who just laughs at my predicament. I then look to Blake, but she seems almost as amused as Yang.

With reinforcements being denied from my only potential allies, Ruby decimates my frontlines until she is satisfied.

"HaHaHaHa," I hear Ruby laugh in victory from her position of straddling my torso.

I thought she was done, but just as I am about to relax, she reaches her hand up to my ears and asks, "Can I touch them?."

With teary eyes and heavy breathing from the battle, I just lost, I let out my acceptance, "Please be gentle, they're sensitive."

POV Weiss:

After my conversion with Professor Port, I took some time to think about what I am going to do, and after making my decision I came back to the dorm. I unlock the door with my scroll, but I hear something from the other side of the door before I can open it.

"Can I touch them?" I hear what sounds like Ruby ask a rather suggestive question.

"Please, be gentle, they're sensitive," I hear a breathy voice from inside the dorm.

Relax, Weiss, this is likely a misunderstanding due to lack of context.

I try to convince myself, but another suggestive noise comes through the door, "Ahn!"

I quickly open the door and I am greeted by the sight of Ruby straddling a teary-eyed and heavily breathing, Sapphire, whose clothes had ridden up or come undone in several places. I look around the room to find that Blake and Yang are both heavily blushing at the suggestive scene in front of them, but are held still by their shock.

"Oh, Welcome back Weiss," Ruby greets me innocently, but her hands don't stop caressing Sapphire's ears.

"Ahn!" I hear Sapphire let out again as her ears are assaulted by Ruby.

I quickly slam the door behind me, and yell out, "What the hell Is going on here!?!?"