Elise Uses The Internet


Elise had heard about this and knew a little bit about how to use it. But she was not that savvy. So, she looked at the man with batted eyes.

"Yes, we have internet in a device to search for answers for whatever it is we need to know. Here, you can use mine," said Loriel. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and showed it to Elise.

Patiently, the man opened the screen and opened the browser, and taught Elise how to search for her query. 

"You can type in your questions in the search engine, and it will give you answers from millions of data stored on the internet. You can think of it as a virtual library, filled with all data and publications that we have had since decades ago. If you remember my library at home, this thing called internet keeps data like a million library." 

Elise looked at Loriel in awe. "Wow…"

"Pretty cool, eh?" Loriel smiled sweetly.