Telling Alex The Good News

'Loriel was truly a special man', Elise thought to herself. 'His adaptability is so great. He could immediately position himself as a boyfriend, and then husband. I am not that good.'

She looked at the handsome man who worked hard last night to pleasure her and now he was sleeping like a baby. He looked at peace.

Ahh… Elise realized she had to start taking a more active role in their lovemaking. She felt embarrassed by the fact that she had always been pampered and doted on and the man always made sure she was satisfied before he got his own pleasure.

Loriel also seemed to know all her sensual spots. He was like a sex god who always knew the right thing to do when it came to her body.

Elise decided, she must reciprocate and do the same to him. She wanted him to feel good and pleasantly surprised when they had sex someday and Elise took charge of their lovemaking.