Finding Elise's Tracks

Hilde did not want to earn Loriel's ire or hate… but simply giving away the address to other gods in New York? Knowing Loriel's personality and the edge in his voice right now, Hilde wouldn't be surprised if some kind of disaster would strike the city.

Loriel always knew how to be destructive when he wanted to.

This was ridiculous… Oh, wait, Hilde was at Alexei's penthouse right now!

"Hilde? Do you actually have any plans in paying back what you owe me or what?"

There was an impatience in Loriel's voice that made Hilde freeze up. 

"Uff… you are so petty. Any other men I know will gladly help a damsel in distress without expecting anything."

"If you have something useful then spit it out. I don't have all day."

"Okay… let me try to remember." Finally, Hilde relented. She didn't have much choice but gave Loriel what he wanted. He asked for other gods' detail? Fine.