Ch 6 - Glimmering Hope

That night, with the green-eyed girl's jacket still wrapped around him, Kousuke opened the door of their apartment to his foster parent's worried expression.

"Kousuke!" his foster mother said worriedly.

Using the last of his strength, he said, "I'm home," before fainting on the floor.


Sirens zoomed past Yuzuki's car, and a dreadful feeling engulfed her chest.

"H-Hey, Izumi. Can we go back?" Yuzuki said, eyes trained on the lights over the ambulance that passed by.

"Unfortunately, we can't. Your father is not happy because you didn't attend the dinner with the Hashiwara again."

"I don't really care. Why doesn't he just marry the guy himself? It's not like he's got a wife."

"Yuzuki," a warning tone came from Izumi, her childhood friend and her father's assistant.

"Tch." She could only glare outside the window.

Since it was late at night, not so many vehicles were driving around. Neon lights blinded her as they entered the Central Business District, filled with tall buildings and still buzzing with people, compared to the quiet and empty streets of suburb X she was in earlier.

"Your grandmother is there as well." Upon hearing this, Yuzuki took a sharp breath in.

The car stopped in front of a five-star hotel, where she was meant to have dinner with the Hashiwara. The place was huge with over twenty storeys. Tall well-groomed men in suit immediately opened her door and led her inside the building. It was nice and soothing inside, unlike the freezing temperature outside.

'How did he manage to walk around with his thin hoodie? I would have frozen to death,' she couldn't help but think about the boy as the men led them to the elevator and through hallways until they reached their destination with wooden double doors.

The men then opened the doors and let both Izumi and Yuzuki into the suite. High ceiling, chandelier in the middle, french chairs and sophisticated round wooden table greeted her upon stepping inside.

As soon as the doors shut, clicking footsteps suddenly emerged from her right. As soon as Yuzuki faced the direction of the sound, a hand landed on Izumi's face with a loud smack.

"Grandmother!" Yuzuki exclaimed.

"You both grew up together, yet you couldn't even do your job properly?! My son shouldn't have taken you in, you useless good-for-nothing! You're not new to this! You should have known this brat like the back of your hand! If something happened to her, all negotiations would go down the drain!"

Yuzuki looked at Izumi's reddened face and felt her stomach drop in guilt. She was at fault, yet Izumi had to take the blame and hear all those horrible things.

"It wasn't his fault! I only wanted to see more of the town!"

"What an ungrateful kid! How dare you raise your voice," her grandmother stared down at her with contempt in her eyes.

At the corner of her eyes, she could see her father watching. Yet, he did not say anything. He never did, even when her grandmother was saying horrible things to her mother. He never stood up for any of them since he took charge of the company.

'Is money all that matters? Why can't he act as a father for once?! Izumi is like a family!'

"You shouldn't have left the hotel in the first place. Unruly brat! Like mother like daughter. Argh, how stupid! If your father had only listened to me, he wouldn't have eloped with the wretch of a woman, that sl*t."

Yuzuki bit her lip so hard she could feel the metallic taste inside her mouth.

'You must respect your elders,' Digging her nails into her palm as she clenched her fist, Yuzuki remembered what her mother said.

Her father turned around and walked away, and Yuzuki's eyes filled with tears.

'I hate you. I hate you. I hate you! Why can't you even stand up for mom? Why can't you stand up for us?'

Yuzuki's lips quivered as her gaze bore a hole in her shoe, barely holding the tears from dripping down her cheek.

Her grandmother turned around and, with a domineering tone, said, "Tomorrow, present at the dining hall for lunch. Make sure you look presentable. Don't disappoint me. We'll finalise the marriage agreement then. Don't even think of running away. I'm done with your antiques. Disappoint me one more time, and I'll send your mother abroad."

As soon as her grandmother stepped out of the suite, Yuzuki's tears cascaded down her cheeks. Izumi could only pull her towards his chest for comfort.

As soon as the doors clicked shut, Izumi whispered something in Yuzuki's ear. Her eyes widened as she looked at Izumi, confirming what she just heard from him.

Izumi lifted his hands and brushed her tears away as he smiled, nodding his head.

'If I play my cards right, I can find my mother.'

With that in mind, Yuzuki immediately requested a meeting with her father.

She needed to talk to him now. Otherwise, she wouldn't have anything to bargain for.

Both sitting across each other as they looked over the city lights, Yuzuki realized it had been a while since they sat together and talk.

Without beating around the bush, Yuzuki said what she came here for.

"I'm here to make a deal."

"A deal?" her father asked, looking at her suspiciously.

"I want to move out and live alone. In return, I'll behave on tomorrow's meeting with the Hashiwara."

"Are you threatening me?" Her father chuckled, " And what? Live alone? So many people will stoop down to kidnapping so long as they can make money out of it. Don't even start with the enemies I have. They'll use whatever means necessary to drag me down. So don't give me a headache."

"It's fine as long as no one knows I'm your daughter, right?"

"Stop with the nonsense. You don't know just how scary the world is. One wrong move can cost you your life."

Her father stood up and turned around.

Yuzuki was getting frustrated as time ticked. She wouldn't get another chance like this – he would only ignore her, knowing this was what she wanted to discuss.

"Go back to your room."

There must be something!

Just as her father took a step, Yuzuki blurted the only thing that came to mind.

"I'll live as a boy! Somewhere no one knows me - away from the city! I've never asked anything from you! For once, listen to your daughter! 3 years! Please! Just until graduation, then I'll do whatever you want! I'll marry Hashiwara if I have to!"

A flash of emotion crossed her father's eyes, and since her father's back was turned to her, Yuzuki missed the pained expression her father had for a second.

Yuzuki pursed her lips in anticipation. There was nothing else she could think of – nothing else worth the gamble.

Her father sighed after some time, and the words that left his mouth surprised her.

"Behave accordingly tomorrow, and I'll reconsider. I'll talk to you once we're back home. Now, go back to your room. I've got work to do."

Her father then continued his steps and went into his study, leaving her alone in the lounge. With an astounded look on her face, Yuzuki returned to her room.

Laying down on her bed, Yuzuki recalled what Izumi told her, "Your mother lives in this town – I heard your grandmother and her secretary earlier." Shortly after, Yuzuki drifted off to sleep.


Meanwhile, at the hospital, Kousuke was asleep with a drip connected to his hand. Despite laying in a cold, sterile room, droplets of sweat ran down his face as a nightmare he could never escape haunted him again...

It was dark and stuffy. Inside a confined room was a young boy around the age of five, with grease on his face and hair tangled and greasy as if he had not washed it for days. He was not scared; he was not crying. He was just… cold.

With dirty fancy-looking clothes, the boy looked up at the small square window, which allowed the moonlight to illuminate the room somehow.

The door suddenly opened, making the young boy take a few steps back. Then came in a burly man with a thick beard covering half of his face.

With a creepy grin, the man pulled the boy's arm and brought him outside. The man pulled the young boy along to quite a distance until they reached an open area. An old basketball court near an abandoned building, it seemed to the boy. Looking around and taking in his surroundings, the boy's stomach growled. It had been days since he had a proper meal.

Looking at the burly man who had a piece of bread in his hand, the boy extended a hand.

"Ah. You want some?" the burly man said.

The boy simply nodded.

The man sighed as he broke the bread in half and offered one half to the young boy.

"Hurry and eat it. Don't let the others see you," the man said, referring to the other men around.

The boy jugged down the bread, choking himself in between. The burly man laughed as he patted the boy's back and offered him some water.

Suddenly, a gunshot fired, and the burly man dropped to the ground with blood oozing out his leg as he groaned in pain.

"Who told you to feed the boy?" a sinister voice echoed from the side. From the shadows, a tall, lanky man appeared. "We don't have enough food to spare someone who would feed us." The lanky man sneered to the bleeding man. Turning his attention to the kid, he continued, "Ah! Your mommy and daddy should be here soon. Otherwise –"

The man was interrupted by some glary light. Looking towards the light, the lanky man grinned.

"Ohh, they're here. They're here. Damn, you're rich. It took us some time to find out who your parents are. Sorry, little boy, you were at the wrong place at the wrong time," the lanky man mumbled.

The doors of the expensive black car opened and came out a young couple with a suitcase on hand. The man in an expensive suit looked worried, and the woman in his arm was crying, desperately scanning the expansive courtyard they were standing at.

As soon as the little boy's eyes connected with the woman's, a sense of warmth washed over him, and the little boy burst out crying. Then, pulling away from the lanky man, the boy started running towards the couple.

It was then that it happened.

The lanky man pulled his gun up and pointed it towards the boy as he screamed, "The money! Drop the money!" but just before he finished the sentence, a gunshot fired and hit him on the shoulder. Looking up to see who fired, he realized it was the boy's father. In a rage, the lanky man pulled the trigger four times before scampering away. Seconds later, the sounds of sirens surrounded the area.

One of the men took the suitcase and immediately ran off.

Just before the boy reached his parents, he noticed blood oozing out of his mother's chest and his father's stomach.

His mother's relieved and teary face pierced something inside the boy's chest. His mother smiled at him as she dropped on her knees, and using up all her strength, she hugged the boy tightly with trembling hands.

"I'm so glad…" the mother whispered. "I'm so glad you're okay, Kousuke." Then, with tears running down her face, she smiled before fainting on her man's arm. Kousuke's tears streamed down his face as his shaky little hand pushed against the blood oozing out of his mother's chest.

"I-It's not stopping. M-Mom... w-wake up..."

His father, who was looking paler as the seconds ticked, was now on his knees, staring closely at Kousuke with the warmest smile Kousuke had ever seen from his father.

"You did well, hanging in there, my son. You did well." His father coughed up blood. Then with quivering lips, he pulled the young boy in a tight hug - the three of them altogether. "Sorry, Kou-chan... daddy and mommy need to go somewhere far away," his father's voice broke in between, and tears streamed down the boy's face.

"Can I come with you?" the boy's voice cracked, subconsciously realizing what was going on.

"No. No, you can't. Someday, you'll find a wonderful place you'd want to go to. But, until then, you have to keep going. Understood?" the father said, rubbing the back of his son's head. "Understood?"

"Yes," the boy choked the words out through his quivering lips.

"That's my boy," his father whispered one last time as he landed a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead before falling on the ground.

With tears running down the side of his face, Kousuke woke up from the nightmare with a heart as heavy as stone.


The snow eventually melted. Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, yet Kousuke had not seen the green-eyed girl even once since that night. Before long, seasons had changed, and the day to commence his high school years had finally arrived.

There was nothing ecstatic about going to school for Kousuke. After all, he had been to this same school his whole life.

There was nothing new. Nothing exciting. Nothing to look forward to.

He just wanted to get out of high school and live on his own. Just that. Nothing else. He just needed to keep going.

Picking his usual spot – the last seat by the window, Kousuke sat down and rested his head on his arms on the table. Ignoring the noise all around him, Kousuke nearly drifted off to sleep until the door burst open, followed by someone bellowing.

"Morning, everyone." The lady greeted, which was returned by the class. "As you probably all know, I'm Ms Elvie, and I'll be your homeroom teacher. This year, a new student will be joining us."

There was silence in the room before hushed whispers erupted—mostly excited gushing from the girls.

"Silence!" Ms Elvie called out, smacking the table with a book. "Osaka-kun, please come in and introduce yourself."

Kousuke looked up and saw a golden-haired boy with glasses walk in. Not bothering, Kousuke turned away to sleep.

'Osaka-san,' a familiar voice rang in his ears, and the image of the girl that helped him a few months ago flashed in his head. Kousuke did a double-take. With eyes wide, Kousuke sat up and stared at the 'boy'.

"Yuu Osaka. Nice to meet you all." The voice was the same.

'No way...'

Curiosity was brewing inside him.

The transfer student was wearing the boy's uniform. He was petite and would be shorter than most boys their age.

Kousuke was looking intensely at the boy making his way towards the available seat in front of him.

'Golden hair – albeit shorter, green eyes, small face… It's all the same...'

The 'boy' kept his eyes glued on the floor as he walked past the students, obviously extremely shy.

'It can't be… That girl... no wait... that person was a boy?! I was so sure that was a girl!'

The 'boy' pulled the chair and sat on the seat in front of Kousuke.

Something fluttered inside Kousuke's chest, and his stomach made a funny twist – it was unusual, yet it wasn't unpleasant. Kousuke had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing at his own thoughts.

'No way!' Kousuke had an internal debate.

For the first time ever, something interesting had happened. Remembering the time he met the girl…no, the boy… Kousuke couldn't help but mentally shake his head in shock.

Kousuke breathed a chuckle, 'I mistook a boy for a girl?! No way!'

A gust of wind sent cherry blossom petals over his desk and a sudden nostalgic feeling engulfed his core.

Resting his head on his arm, Kousuke closed his eyes over the sweet fragrance of the boy's shampoo.

"You have to return my jacket! I'll come back, and you have to return it to me yourself! It's my favourite one!" Kousuke remembered the voice pierce through that snowy evening like wildfire.

"What do I do? It's so warm..." Yuu heard the boy mumble sleepily. Finding it adorable, a small smile found its way to Yuu's lips.

Thinking he only said it in his mind, Kousuke drifted off to sleep.