You and Me

"Rough day huh?" I plopped down heavily on the couch beside the Mocha skinned male. Still waiting for an answer I quietly pulled back my long silky black hair into a high ponytail.

"Says the one that came home with yet another scar." He argued. His electric blue eyes scanning for more possible injuries, smiling when he couldn't locate any.

"Hey! I didn't choose to bring one home." I defensively joked in return. His tall muscular frame relaxed and he released a sigh and placed me on his lap.

"Just... try to be careful. This happens every time you go on a mission alone." I let out a soft chuckle and rolled my eyes trying my best to disguise my discomfort.

" What can I say... I don't always have a big strong man protecting me like you do! I was actually annoyed and meant what I said but he didn't take the insult the way he was supposed to. I watched him as he casually Leaned back into the couch and smiled at me.

" It'll be hot today, let's take a cold shower and go out for dinner. Sound good?"

My jaw twitched and l rolled my eyes Faking a smile.

" Alright." I climbed off his lap and made my way to my bedroom grumpily, he did the same heading to his respective room in the complete opposite direction.

"Try not to miss me too much." He said this with an obvious smile on his face you could hear it in his voice. I tried my best to stop myself from grinding my teeth and decided not to say anything . . . well nothing out loud at least.

"yeah right." I growled to myself.

I searched for some light but neat clothes. Even though it was close to sun down, the heat was still horrible. I shed my clothes and stared at my scar riddled athletic body watching myself slightly glisten in the reflection because of the sweat, slightly grossed out, I went to start a Shower. I lost track of time while I let the cool water melt away my stress, singing to myself. I lifted my right arm to watch the wounds of the day stop bleeding and turn into scars, my olive toned skin tightening before relaxing a bit. I heard a shift on the other side of the shower curtain as I just finished singing centuries by fall out boy. My body tensed and then relaxed. knowing fully well what or more like who made the noise.

"Sing never enough." I could see his silhouette sitting cross legged on my shower mat his back to the slightly clouded shower curtain, my athletic frame just barely visible through it. Well that is if he ever wanted to risk his life by peaking.

"That song again?" I rinsed out my hair and washed off my body making sure I was no longer covered in soap suds.

"Please." He knows I hate begging but he always does it. I sighed in annoyance.

"No." He went silent for a minute, I know he was thinking. He would never give in that easy.

" What about the Death of a Bachelor? You know like by panic at the disco?" I grit my teeth and took a seat on the tub floor finally done with my hour long shower.

"Fine." I growled. I then took a deep breath and began and when I finished I stood up being offered a towel by a man with averted eyes. I pushed the curtain out of my way as I stepped out of the Shower. After I took the towel from him he cleared his throat and hastily left I noticed that this wasn't my towel and left it in the main bathroom disgusted by the thought of using anything owned by him. My room has a shower but the knobs were melted due to a certain dipshit, don't get me wrong the shower still works but it's a hassle to get the temperature right without getting burned. I just rolled my eyes and signed he was annoying and pushy. He finds ways to get what he wants all of the time even against my better judgement. I hate it. I passed the blushing idiot in the hallway and didn't hesitate to comment.

"Your face is really red... Did the bathroom get too hot for you?" Once again it was meant as an insult but this dense moron took it as some type of invitation to flirt. He put his hands on my bare waist and almost immediately regretted it. I took hold of one of his hands and crushed it but not enough to break it only hurt.

"Maybe you should go take a seat." I released his hand from my vice grip and I watched as his smirk turned into a grimace.

"Careful now temperatures are rising." Here we go… he gets rejected once and he starts throwing a tantrum. Using his powers of controlling heart and fire. I grit my teeth from the pain as he started to make the temperature rise to an unbearable level searing all the water off of my back. There were a million things that ran through my mind, and none of them were nice. None of them would end well if I ever chose to act on any of them. I whipped around super fast and pushed him away.

"Can I help you?" My emerald green eyes glared into his electric blue ones.

"You can actually. You can stop acting like bitch and give me some attention and I mean come on talk to me please. It's like you're happy one second and angry the next." He relaxed a bit and the temperature returned to normal.

"Sonje I am never happy! Anytime you are nearby there is never a "Happy" moment, stop living in your Imaginary world and be real for a second. I have been kept prisoner in my own home and baby sat every other second of my time with you. You want something you're not going to get from me! It sucks… doesn't it!"

" You are my wife!"

" I am your prisoner! I'm forced to stay with you! You know damn well that if I ever left you for someone else you would incinerate them and drag me back by my ankle clawing and kicking!

"No! You are happy with me! You Sang for me!"

" You snuck into the locked bathroom, and the last time I said no one to many times you scolded me with hot water I had to take ice baths for the whole weekend until I could heal from the deep tissue burns."

" You said the water was cold!"

"So you heat up the water until it comes out as a 565 degree celsius steam!!"

" I said sorry!!" I could feel the air around me go from cool and refreshing on my damp skin to arid and dry sapping all at the moisture off of my body. He was trying to silence me, and I was not going to let that happen. He will not win, not this time.

"Sorry won't mean shit if you do it over and over again how do you expect me to feel differently about it? Especially if you're in the process of doing it again right now! You want me quiet! But I fucking refuse!"

"That's not what I'm doing!"

"Liar! It is what you are doing and you're doing on purpose otherwise you would have already stopped by now!"

"NO! This is on purpose!" He forcefully seized my bare waist with his scolding hands and then threw me away from him. I bit my tongue and swallowed the pain that was shooting through me in pulsing waves. Needless to say it was unpleasant. I stormed over to him with my rage controlling every movement and placed my hand on his shoulder threatening to snap his collarbone. He just calmly reached up and firmly gripped my forearm the heat of his hand low... for now we stood like this for a moment.

My anger was dying fast I know I could overpower him... hell I could kill him if I wanted but he could incinerate my muscles and skin with his current grip and that was not a feeling I wanted to experience again I wanted nothing more to pull away and curl up into a little ball at the bottom of the shower. He's the reason why I take cold showers only turning up the heat if my muscles REALLY need it. Why me? Just... why?

Smiling, he released me and turned to leave...

"I'll give you a break... this time." I didn't realize I was crying... or holding my breath I just didn't understand... why?

"I'll be waiting in the living room... we don't got all night so get dress with a fucking purpose... and please... say some slick shit and I will bake your fucking vocal cords again... do as your told and everything will be fine.

"Yeah okay whatever." I dismissed him. He whipped around so fast I swallowed my heart.

"What was that?" His gaze was empty and bloodthirsty. I cleared my throat and spoke again.

"Yes sonje, that sounds good." He just scoffed and stormed off. I ran into the bathroom and babied my hand shaped grill marks courtesy of lord piss off. I would pay a million dollars to leave this place right now with nothing but a Towel and a toothbrush.

Why did he choose me?

I finished getting dressed and healing a bit of my wounds and decided wearing something that wouldn't rub on my waist which didn't leave me a lot of options. I threw on a loose flowy dress and sped to my OH SO LOVING roommate. His smirk implied trouble. Something I'd rather avoid at this point.

"I have a surprise for you!" Despite the warm room my body went ice cold. That's not something I wanted to hear from him right now.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep... take a look." He then threw an envelope that was bottom heavy at my chest. I yanked it out of the air before it collided with me. Unentertained I tore open the envelope and read the two sentences that were handwritten by our higher ups...

You have power and strength over the man... but he owns you if I need to state it again it will be an order. Company president Silplex.

And within the envelope was a size nine and a half wedding ring.

"Let's go."

"No." He stopped at the doorway and didn't turn around.

"What?" I started shuffling to the kitchen window and lifted it. We had two one with a fire escape and one that led to the alley floor. I perched on the windowsill and leaned back. Allowing myself to free fall... that is until I was stopped mid fall by my ankle my back slammed against the building. He knew I would survive the eight story drop. His concern was that I would disappear after I landed... that simply would not do. He struggled to hold me there and I swung my foot to hit his face but missed shattering a few bricks near him instead. I was preoccupied with trying my best to keep my dress up near my hips. That's when he turned my Achilles tendon into charcoal... then dropped me. I landed clumsily and dropped to my knees and shed a few tears. I was in pain... It hurt bad the pain was pulsing through my entire right side.

I guess I cried long enough for him to arrive at ground level to meet me in the alley. I dried my face and shot him glare of absolute rage and disgust.

He then grabbed my hair and yanked it back so he could grip my throat with no problem. After doing so he did the same to my throat as he did to my ankle, I hammered at his shoulder and face making him release me before my airway Seared itself closed. Scoffing he stared at me with a smile and a bucket full of water letting me suffer for a moment as I subconsciously reached for the big ten gallon bucket of water.

"Aww you want some? HERE!" He then launched the bucket of water at me, which seconds later I came to the realization that it was ice water. My throat healed enough to croak words out and my ankle was healed enough to limp

"Why?" I never got my answer.

"Let's go, we have places to be!"

I then stood wet and shivering as we walked to the furthest Wendy's from our house. He then ordered himself food and went to take a seat. I then was forced to order my own food and paid for both. I tried to ignore the stares and chugged the bottle of water and inhaled all the food I ordered.

"All full? Good let's go to the park." He then got up and walked out leaving me to clean the table. I quickly did just that and shivered all the way to the park alone seeing how he left without me in a taxi. I tried to cheer myself up by promising to skip rocks when I got there. It was something I did every time I wanted to relax and clear my head. It was my way of testing my strength control, I refined it to the point that the rock skips about a mile before sinking into the water the lake is about a mile and half long. It took ages to learn how to hold a fork properly without bending it when I was younger. When I made it to the park he was skipping rocks asking me if I wanted to do the same. I just paused... shivered... and declined. He then smiled and skipped rocks for another half an hour. The night air nipped at my skin, the water sliding down my legs, my bra and cotton dress still holding water. I was miserable and he loved it. He then seized my hand and slipped the horrible silver loop around my finger, the large metal fastener holding a diamond.

"I got you something that you can't crush. Treat this one better will you? Heh. Only the strongest gem for my love." he then hailed a taxi and pushed me roughly knocking my head on the way in and then made sure to sit far away from me on our way home. I held back the tears the whole ride and remained quiet until we arrived home. I am a naturally strong woman and crying is something I try not to do especially out in public but right now I was humiliated. We walked up the long flight of stairs to our 8th floor apartment. And we both halted at the door. My jaw twitched and I reached for the doorknob and twisted it letting him walk through first but he stopped cold. Then it hit me too. I immediately threw on my bangles. These silver rings were created to help me restrain my power while in doors. Then we both went around the small apartment clearing the rooms.

" All clear. " he shouted from the kitchen. I didn't respond, I just rolled my eyes and scoffed to myself.

I then walked to my room and locked the door. My room was small green and had No windows. There were 3 lamps to compensate for the lack of light. It was always incredibly annoying to not know what time of day it is... It really drives in the feeling of being a prisoner. I hopped into the shower connected to my room patiently waiting for the water to warm up to a Lukewarm and healed a bit more before taking a short nap... Today was hell. I woke up around 4 o'clock in the morning and migrated towards the kitchen sore and exhausted pulling out a water bottle from the fridge. I shambled over to the kitchen sink and leaned against it. All of my injuries were basically healed due to All of the water I had contact with today. I looked up and stopped cold.

My missions have been pinning me against a Buddy from work. Dante. My contracts have been forcing me to fight him for about 3 months straight now and that very same person was outside the second kitchen window standing on the Fire escape. His eyes were glued to my hand and then darted to the scar on my throat that was not yet gone. His jaw twitched and his eyebrows furrowed.

He was Angry...

I blinked and he was making his way up the escape. I swiftly stepped to the window and flung it open. Trying to locate where he was going I was about to step on to the fire escape when I heard his voice.

" Where are you about to disappear to?"

I sighed deeply... And thought of my answer carefully stepping back into the apartment.

" I saw something or... more like someone. So I was going to check it out. " my voice sounded deep and a bit rough... Like I've been crying... Never mind. Anyway his body relaxed and his facial expression softened for the first time in a long while, about two weeks to be exact.

" You're always working... Always on guard... Pushing for a better that I just can't give you. Tell me... Before you go... Why don't you want me anymore." I straightened my back, shifting cautiously. Before I answered the question I stepped out the window.

" I promise I won't get mad. " I took a seat on the windowsill with my back to the apartment and answered, my gaze fixated on the little amount of stars I could see between the buildings.

"I never wanted you. I wasn't even given the chance to want you. You force yourself and your love on me every chance you get. It's been two weeks since you sprung this random marriage proposal on me and you don't get any kinder by the day. Every day I wonder why me? While you abuse me and every morning I wonder how I could possibly lose my life when I wake up in my prison cell. I know I can kill you... But If I do I lose my title and get crappy contracts, you don't seem to have that worry when you turn me into charcoal whenever you please. Sonje we are mercenaries, marriage was never on my mind and when I think marriage you don't come to mind. I wanna be free from you... but I don't get that choice of happiness. My job is fun but I dread coming home." Sonje just stayed silent. But spoke up just before I headed up the stairs.

" I swear... You make me happy. " I stopped cold and grinded my teeth.

" You make me miserable. " I continued to walk up the stairs.

I walked all the way up to the roof and looked around, of course Dante isn't here. He doesn't like Sonje so I have to wait until he comes back. I sucked my teeth and stood on the edge of the apartment building. The wind rustling through my Cotton pajamas I stood there for ten more minutes enjoying my freedom before slowly making my way back to my cell. I guess I'll go back to sleep. Dante will wake me when he gets here he always does.

My powers get me so far in a mercenary stand point. Super strength and enhanced healing by contact with water. But at home... I don't have power or a title. I'm just MoMo. Sucks... doesn't it?