09. The golden trio

Crystal pov;

That was shocking. I knew Zeck has a not so happy childhood but I didn't know it was like this.

During the last few years I found out that the author who wrote the manhwa was a pervert.

I swear the author only mainly focus on a harem and romance and the male lead's faces and ignore everything else.

What's up with the silent. I guess I should speak since it's my turn. I aquire Crystal's memories not too long ago.

So I can just tell them according to them. This should do. Then I strategy to speak to break the silent.

"Well I don't remember much before I was adopted into the Light dukedom. I remember I was brought in when I was 5.

Most people despite me because was adopted and people who approach me are only here for my family.So I don't really has any friends.

I usually just spent time by myself alons. I also had a brother who was older then me by 4 years.

Everyone treated me very rather coldly. I didn't had a great relationship with my brother either.

My so called family also treated me like air and ignore my presence for most of the time.

A year after, I was adopted by my parents my brother and mother had to go aboard to study as he was the heir to the Light dukedom.

I haven't seen him since then. After my brother left my father become even colder than before.

I wanted my parents to acknowledge me so I become a perfect little girl. I try my best to be perfect at everything so my parents can be proud of me.

I was engage to the crown prince at the age of 6. He is no better he was the worst fiancee you could ever imagine.

Let's just say one day I snapped and ran away from home. Actually I came to Warlock after running away.

After coming I met Zeck I didn't think much about you in the beginning. Then i met Vi and let's just say thing some how work out and the three of us become like a big family and a week ago I met Timmy.

I am really glad that I met you guys. I feel like I can rely on someone other then my adopted family"

There I said it. Before anyone could say anything Vivian started talking.

Vivian pov;

"My life is not better then your's. As I was born royalty I had to fight to survive since birth.

My birth parents died when I was young while protecting my aunt and uncle, the king and queen.

After that I was adopted into my uncle and aunt's family. I had a older brother and a sister.

My brother is 5 years older then me while my sister is 2 years older then me.

I don't remember much but my family said that me and my sister were very close but on the day we turn 4, we got into a carriage accident.

I haven't seen her since then. I can't remember her clearly either. Some people blame me for that incident while some just look at me with pity.

I don't really mind since I myself doesn't remember what happen that day. All I know that since both my sister and my parents left me I've gotten trauma.

Since then I develop my trust issue and started distancing myself from most people.

My uncle, aunt and brother love me dearly like their own but I just can't trust them anymore.

Infact I can't trust anyone anymore. Then I met Zeck who show me that it's OK to put a little trust on others.

Then we become friends. After that I came to Warlock and met Timmy. You feel like an older brother to me. That how i accept you.

Then I met Stalle. I don't know what but I feel like I can trust you. It feel as if I had known you for along time that why if decided to trust you.

That how we become one big happy family. I'm really glad that you guys are my friends. I couldn't ask for anything."

What I say is true. I can't really remember anything. But I want to know what happen.

Most people avoid talking about my past whenever I ask them. They would either find excuses or lie.

The same goes for Zeck. I know they are hiding something. I want to know what happen but since everyone around me is like that soon I gave up.

I look at everyone. The atmosphere suddenly turn awkward. I really didn't know what to do so I just did what I always do.

I put on a smile and make a peace sign with my left hand and put it beside my face.

That's my signature move. Something that I usually love that one do occasionally. 

Third person pov;

Vivian beam at them and did her signature move. They suddenly broke into a group hug.

"I guess that we help each other some how right."Zeckery said as the others agree. After that they talk utill midnight.

They talk about a lot of things, mostly the memories they spent together at here.

They also talk about their past and present. They also talk about school and politics of the countries.

They also talk about their own literature, culture, education and many more.

When the clock was about to strike midnight. Everyone got up from the ground and get ready to light their hot air balloons and started counting.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!"Everyone yells as they light their hot air ballons let go of them and close their eyes to make a wish.

They open their eyes and look at the sky. The hot air balloons floating up with the blue moon on the background.

The scene seem as if came out from a fairy-tale book. It was very peaceful.

After that the three of them decided to go take a walk in their garden while Timmy went back to the dorm to rest.

"Hah it's been four years since we first met?"Vivian asked while she look up to the moon . Crystal started laughing.

Zeckery turn his head to Crystal in worry. "What's wrong Stalle?"" I just remember the first time I came here. I even thought that I wouldn't be able to get along with professor Queal.

I swear he was very scary back then. I even remember me making plans to avoid professor Queal."Crystal was still laughing.

"Yeah we've been through a lot right. It was a very interesting adventure if you asked me."Zeckery laughs at his own comments as the other two join him.

They take a little walk around the school ground and decided to go back to their dorms since it's already very late.

Tonight was a very amazing and an unforgettable night for them. Not only they get to know each other more.

They feel as if they become even closer then before. They seem to understand each other better.

Six years later, 

The hall of Warlock are filled with students whispers."Omg really.""Is it really them.""I can't believe I met them in person."

"They look amazing.""The rumors weren't exaggerating at all.""They seem very powerful."

"I want to see them again.""They look so cool." Everyone was whispering in groups.

A certain student came up to a group of girl."Guys what's going on. Why is everyone whispering."

The group of girls turn to her."Didn't you know the golden trio just pass the hall and went to the headmaster's office and everyone is going crazy about them."

"Ah i've heard about them?"The other girls look at her shock."You might not know because you just got here yesterday.

You see, the golden trio is the three of the most powerful mages and the headmaster's three proud apprentices.

All three of them are prodigies. They reach the gold stage at the age of 14 or 15. All of them are perfect in every way.

They are smart, knowledgeable, powerful and charming. Seriously they look like something out of a fairytale.

Zeckery Smith is the oldest out of the group. He has charming grey hair and beautiful indigo eyes. He is know to a prodigy in curses and magic tools.

He is mostly the handy man of their group. He is very responsible and mature. He is also kind and gentle. He's the sweet yet scary type.

Also he is kinda sarcastic and rude sometimes when he issue annoyed or mad."

"The second oldest is Crystal. She doesn't reveal her last name for some reasons.

She has hair as white as snow and sparkling violet eyes. She is a prodigy in spells and language. She is know to be the brain of the group.

She is very calm and collective. She is the quite yet dangerous type."