017. The magic tower {2}

Third person pov:

"-That's what happen." "And that's the story of how Vi almost kill me a minute ago." Zeckery said sarcastically.

Crystal face palm herself. "I swear Vi for the last one thousand times. Don't get distracted while casting a spell. You can get hurt."

2 hours ago, at the royal palace,

Louise and the others were having tea in the garden when Mark came rushing.

"Guys guesses what?"Mark said as he was panting from all the running. Leo look at Mark. "What is it?"

"Well this all mighty Mark has been given a task by my old man."Delia look at him and said " By old man, you mean the archmage."

"Duh who else would it be " Mark said as he rolled his eyes."You know you shouldn't be calling your own father an old man."

Amber said while taking a sip of her tea. "What? He is old. Anyways I have more exciting news."

Mark then took out a badge from his pocket."Shinsu look at the badge in Mark's hand."Isn't that the pass to the magic tower."

Delia look at her brother."The what?" "The pass to the magic tower. The magic tower that only those who are white rank or higher up can enter.

Those who are permitted can enter too. To enter you need a special badge such as the one Mark is holding."

Shinsu explain to his sister in a calm tone."Yes it is Shinsu, my friend. That old man give me this badge to go to the magic tower for an errant."

Mark said proudly. "So?"Louise asked Mark in a bored tone."So this great friend of yours is thinking of taking you guys with me to the magic tower.

I mean it's a once in a life time chance. Hardly anyone can enter the magic tower." "Sorry but we need to be somewhere.

So if you'll excuse us."Amber said as she drag Leo by the hand and walk away. "Yeah have fun guys."Leo said as he follow Amber.

"I don't know "Shinsu said as he takes a sip of his tea."Please big brother I heard that there are a lot of cool ancient magic items in the magic tower. "

Shinsu sigh."As long as Louise go."They all look at Louise who was lost in thoughts."What's wrong with him."

"Ever heard of love sickness." Shinsu said as he look at Louise. Shinsu sigh and said "Louise it's been 10 years you have to move on.

You can't be tie down by the past forever." Louise just nodded and said "It's just that I know I know that I'll met Alle again.

I ..I have this feeling it's like a gut feeling." Mark touch Louise's shoulder. "There there how about going to the a magic tower with me to take your mind off of things."

"Ughhh fine " Louise said as he got up. "Guesses we're all going."Delia said as she and Mark did a high five.

After that they got ready and head out to the forest. Once they get to the rock, Mark touch the rock and all of them teleport to the front gate of the magic tower.

Mark open the gate with the mana from the badge. When they got past the gate.

Delia accidently trip and push Mark, which cause the badge to fall out of his hand and rolled into the bush.

"Noooooo"Mark said as he rush to the direction where the badge rolled off to."What wrong? "The others asked not noticing the missing badge.

"When Delia push me I accidentally drop the badge and we can't get out or go anywhere without it.

We're stuck unless we find it."Mark said as he keep searching for the badge. "What?"The others said as they help search the badge.

After half an hour. Delia sit on the ground. "We've been searching for half an hour. Don't you know any spell that can help us."

Mark deadpan Delia. "Good idea idiot. I would've done that if it was possible. I'm only a red stage mage.

If I used a sensory spell here I might faint and who will get you out of here." Shinsu cover his sister with his hand.

"Don't you dare put your frustration on my sister."Mark rolled his eyes. Louise turn his head to the entrance door to the magic tower and saw a hooded figure.

"Wait guys I think there's someone over at the entrance."They all looked at the entrance and saw the hooded figure.

"Hey maybe we can asked for help""Wait! " Before even Louise can finished his word Mark was already talking to the hooded figure.

They heard Mark spoke out."Excuse me are you a mage?"The hooded person seem surprise to see them but then quickly nodded.

They saw Mark's face lit up a little. "Then can you please help us find our badge. We accidently drop it somewhere." Mark asked.

The hooded person was about to reply when Louise pull Mark back and whisper into his ear.

"Are you sure we can trust him. How do you even know he means no harm."The both of them look back at the hooded person who clear her throat and said"That's quite rude and I'm a girl.

Don't worry. I can guarantee that I mean no harm and I will help you find your badge. If you don't mind me asking why are all of you here."

Mark scratch the back of his head. "My father asked me to run an errant.""I see your father the archmage."They look at her surprise .

"How do you know my father?".'Who is this person' was the same thought that Louise and his friends think.

The girl then continue and said "Let's just say I'm a friend of archmage Deam." She said as she cast a spell.

Soon a badge came flying into Crystal's hand. She toss the badge to Mark. "Here don't lose it again."

She then turn back to the door and put her badge into the hole on the door. The badge start to glow gold.

Louise turn to look at Mark only to see that his eyes were wide open. When the door open girl turn back to Louise and the others.

"What not gonna go in?" Mark's looking at her in shock. "You- You are a golden stage mage. But-But you look so young.

How old are you exactly?""That's a question I cannot answer. Byee" She said as she leave them at the entrance.

Louise pov:

A golden stage mage isn't that like one of the strongest. That girl seem really familiar.

I feel like I've known her somewhere. Am I just hallucinating.

Mark pov:

Oh my freaking hell. That was a golden stage mage. I can't believe it. She's really strong I can feel it. 

She also look very young. I heard that one must be at least 30 to be a golden stage mage.

No way. Could she be one of the apprentice court mages, the child prodigy known in history.

I heard from the old man that the apprentice court mages are all white stage or golden stage.

She said she was a friend of the old man. I have got to talk to him after this.

Third person pov:

They all look at Mark whose eyes were still wide open."Mark what's wrong?"Delia look at Mark with a worried expression.

"That was a golden stage mage. She look not older then 20 years. How?. Most people reach the golden stage at the age of 28 or 30.

So young yet so powerful. I have to ask the old man." Mark said with determination."Is it just me or does she sound familiar."

Louise asked. "Yeah " Shinsu said as he nodded."No?"Delia said in a questioning tone.

"Let's go."Mark said as he put his badge into the hole on the door. It started to glow red.

"Mark why is your badge red and her's gold." Delia asked confused. " The color state the stage a mage is.

That girl from before is a golden stage mage. That's why her badge glow gold while mine glow red. It's because I'm a red stage mage."

Mark said as Louise said "Your OK with that." Mark look at him and said "What do you mean?"

"Well usually when you see someone better than you were like 'I'll beat him up and show him that I'm better.'"

Louise said while acting like Mark. Mark just smirk and said "Who would do that when your meeting your idol." " Idol?" Delia asked confused.

"That girl is a golden stage mage at a very young age and there's only one group of people that are like that.

It's the 8 apprentice court mages from the ministry of wizard, my idol group.

The famous group of people that are known as genius in the magic world.