025. The first clue

Third person pov:

one week later;

The trio was in Tim's office, drinking tea when something fell out of Vivian's bracelet. It was a black ball.

Vivian seem to not notice and keep drinking her tea. Zeckery pointed to the ball and said "Vi you drop something like a black ball."

Vivian squinted her eyebrows and said "What do you mean by blac- wait black ball? My baby."

Vivian yells as she look around for the ball and quickly went to pick it up. After she pick it up she checked carefully for any damage or scratches.

When she saw that it was fine she let out a sigh of relief and sit back down. "What's that?"

Crystal asked as Vivian answer "The riddles to find the three divine wepons."

The other three choke on their tea. "Excuse me?" Crystal asked again in disbelieve.

"Yep this is the thing that contain the riddles to find the three divine wepons."

Then the ball started shaking and roll out of Vivian's hand and onto the table. Then it project some kind of words.

Vivian took out a pen and a paper and started writing down. After two or three minutes the words disappear as the ball went back to normal.

Vivian pick the ball up and put it back in her bracelet. "What does it say?" Tim asked while drinking his tea.

"Well the riddle said;

As my name, the cross of the moon.

I can only be found when the moon is full.

I am hiding

in the deep of the depth

laying inside a chest made of shells

Which was buried under a nest.

Beware for the creature that resides there.

A monster with multiple heirs.

The coral stone that resides there

shall be the only clue that will lead you there." Vivian said while looking at the note she just took. "You three should get going then. "

Tim said while smiling. "Where are we supposed to go?" Vivian asked confused. "It said coral stone. So go to a place with a lot of coral stone."

Tim said casually. The trio went into thinking. After a few minutes of silent Zeckery said "I know where it is. Let's go I'll explain everything later."

The other two nodded then they say fair well to their master and went out. Zeckery teleport them to a town.

He rent a carriage and they head out to who knows where. Once they were out of that town Crystal asked "Vi what's the first riddle again?"

Vivian took out a book and open it. " According to what I recorded the first riddle said;

As my name, the cross of the moon.

I can only be found when the moon is full.

I am hiding

in the deep of the depth.

laying inside a chest made of shells

Which was buried under a nest.

Beware for the creature that resides there.

A monster with multiple heirs.

The coral stone that resides there

shall be the only clue that will lead you there."

"OK now that's a weird riddle." Zeckery said while looking puzzled.

"According to the riddle, the first wepon is the cross of the moon and it can only be found when the moon is full." Crystal said as she rethink about the riddle.

"The riddles said deep and depth could it be somewhere in water?" Vivian look at the other two for confirmation.

"Possible. It would be perfect since we're going to the ocean." Crystal said as she nodded.

"It also said it's in a chest cover by shell and was buried under a nest of a monster with many heirs.

The question is what monster." Zeckery state and resume his thinking.

"Children!" Vivian yells making the other two surprise. "What?" Crystal look at her confusingly.

"By heir it means children. You know heir, children."Vivian tried her best to explain to the other two.

The other two nodded and Zeckery said "So the cross of the moon is somewhere under the water, inside a chest covered by shells and was buried under the nest of a monster with many children."

"Seem like it but I have no idea what kind of monsters has many children."Crystal sigh and said she said that.

Then the communication device started to ring. Vivian took it out and open it to reveal their master.

"Hey children how is the mission going." Tim said happily. "That aside master we found out the riddle about the cross of the moon."

Tim face turn serious when he heard Vivian said that. "Go on." Tim asked as Zeckery answered.

"The cross of the moon is somewhere under the water, inside a chest covered by shells and was buried under the nest of a monster with many children but we don't know what kind of monsters has many children."

Tim think for a second. "A monster with many children that live in the water. I think it's a red eyed kraken.

The red eyed kraken has many minions which it control like a puppet master. it is known to be extinct."

"So we're fighting a giant legendary monster with many minions which it can control by it's will.

What better is that the chest is buried under it's nest. This is gonna be so fun." Vivian said sarcastically.

"I-"Tim was speechless. Crystal and Zeckery burst out laughing."Then i'll be going good luck children." Tim said as the communication device was shut off.

Vivian took a deep breath. "I want to die we need a vacation after this right." The other two nodded their heads.

Crystal pov:

Vi is right we really need a vacation after this. Everything that has been happening has been really exhausting me out.

I'm really getting confused. That damn female lead is no where to be found while a war that wasn't supposed to happen is happening.

Even if I only read the spoilers I don't think there's anything mentioned about a war.

Did my interference really effect that plot that much. I mean last time I saw that royal scumba- I mean the crown prince of Alfear is really polite or was he just mean to Crystal.

Anyways Leo and Amber seem to have about good relationship as well as Shinsu and Delia.

Mark isn't really bratty or arrogant like the novel. In fact he seem more like a fan boy for some reason.

I wonder what else has change. Whatever happens I know that I can face it because I'm not alone.

Master knows about my reincarnation and he said he'll help me. I look at my two best friends who were looking out the window.

Maybe one day I'll tell Vi and Zeck too. Yeah maybe one day I'll be able to be at peace instead of fearing death.

Zeckery pov:

When Vi said vacation I realise how tired I really was. A lot of things has happened recently.

Just a few days ago we have to go save the prince who was kidnapped and found out a war was about to occur.

Then once we got back we have to go through some kind of hellish training for one week and now before we even have time to take a breather we just found out that one of the divine wepons has show signs of appearing.

Come to think of it why didn't Vi say anything about that book before. Usually Vi would tell us anything.

Like anything she heard or do. I really can't figure out what that girl is thinking.

I know that Vi is a person with a split personality and a two face person but I never been used on me before or that's what I thought.

Could she be hiding more from us. What could she be hiding.

No no no negative thoughts Zeckery you know more than anyone that Vi is a good person and she would never hurt the person she treasure.

Yeah I must be just over thinking. Still I can't help but feel worried. I look at Vi.

Vivian pov:

They didn't figure anything out right. Yeah right they didn't say anything maybe they really didn't suspect anything.

After all I make great effort to hide it. I feel bad for hiding things from them. They're my best friends in the whole wide world.

Even if they are my most trusted person 'that' is something that must be hidden from them to keep them safe.

They must never find out about the rest of the story part. No one should ever find out about it. What I told everyone is not the whole story.

I leave some parts out and some important details. The true story part about the demon king. Should I tell them? No no I shouldn't of course not.

Because once you know about it everything will change. There's a saying 'There's evil in kindness and kindness in evil.'

No matter what happen I will save everyone and the world.