046. The outing {3}

With Vivian Zeckery:

"So what do you guys want to eat." Delia asked friendly. "I don't know much about here." Vivian answer.

"Then shall we head to the market place. It has many food stalls. We can pick whatever we like."

"Sounds good. Zeck?" Vivian turn to asked Zeckery as Zeckery just nodded and said "Vi no sweets before lunch got it?"

Vivian just nodded and smile. "I don't trust that smile." Zeckery glare at her. Vivian just ignore him and said "Now let's go I am hungry."

Then the four of them went to the market place where there are many stalls Vivian and Zeckery already put some hoods on as they are used to people staring at them whenever they went out so they put some hoods on to hide their faces.

"I want to try that!" Vivian yells as she pull the hand of the person closest to her which was Shinsu.

Vivian drag Shinsu into the crowd as Zeckery and Delia was left behind. "Big brother?" Delia called out to her brother who got drag away very far.

"Well seem like your big brother is busy right now. It's just the two of us. So it's date then."

Zeckery teased Delia. Delia flush red as she mumble "Please don't tease me too much." Zeckery innocently tilted his head. "Who said I was teasing."

Then he hold a stick of skewer which he bought just now. "Say ah." Delia flush even redder. Zeckery frown ah little. "My hands are getting tired."

"I- I -You-" Delia shuttered. Then she finally give in as she open her mouth.

Zeckery took the chance and quickely stuff the piece of skewer into her mouth.

"Is it good." Zeckery asked as Delia nodded. Meanwhile with Shinsu and Vivian. Vivian was dragging Shinsu to all kind of stalls.

She drag him to a fruit ball stall. She bought a box full of fruit balls.

She stick a fruit ball with a fork and pointed it toward Shinsu's mouth. "Wanna try it." "Pardon?" Shinsu widen his eyes.

"It's really good." Vivian said while smiling. Shinsu blush as he open his mouth and said "The- then please excuse me." He took a bite.

He unconsciously smile a little. "It's good right." Vivian asked. Shinsu nodded. "Here have some more."

Vivian said again as she feed him once again. Shinsu was a blushing mess at this point.

With Cincella:

Cincella left the boys behind as they were arguing the whole way since they separate with each other.

Cincella was annoyed with so them so she left them behind. Cincella has already put on a hood since they separate with the others.

They were walking across the bustling streets. Then Cincella bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry." Cincella apologies to the person who she just bump into. "How dare you bump into me."

Cincella look up to see a girl cover in makeup and sparkling jewels. She look just like a walking money bag. "Excuse me?" Cincella asked again.

"You don't you know who I am." The girl yells with an ear wrenching voice. "No?" Cincella said sarcastically.

"I was wondering what kind of blind girl bump into me but it seem that it was some uneducated peasant."

The girls scoffs. "No. Your just not that special enought for me to remember." Cincella smile sweetly.

"How dare you. Guards!" The girl yells. 6 knights bow at that girl. "Seize that insolence bitch." She yells. One of the guards charge at Cincella.

Cincella used magic to blow the knight away. Everyone just stand there looking at her. Then another knight charge at her.

When Cincella was about to attack again the sword that was aiming at her was block by another sword.

She look back to saw Louise. "You ok?" Jeffery asked her worried. Cincella just nodded. "How dare you. Who do you think you are."

The girl yells again. "And who do you think you are?" Louise asked as he took out a seal with an imperial crest engraved on it.

The girl paled. "You- Your from the imperial palace." "How dare a lowly nobel like you dare to-."

Cincella hold her hand out to stop Louise from spouting farther nonsense.

The girl bow down as she begged for forgiveness. "Just- just go."

Cincella just let her go like that. After the girl left. Jeffery touch Cincella's shoulder.

"You sure your just gonna let go?" Jeffery asked. "Alle are you ok? Should we take a break. You just recover not too long ago."

Louise touch Cincella's face. Then someone pulled Cincella. "Your highness you need not to worry about 'my' sister's wellbeing.

As the crown prince you should always put your health first." Jeffery said sincerely but his smile doesn't seem sincere at all.

Louise pull Cincella back. "I'm perfectly fine Lord Jeffrey. Also is it weird for me to care about 'my fiancee', 'brother-in-law."

Cincella who was in the middle of their fight, got enough as she pull her hands back.

"I swear if you two don't stop fighting, I'm gonna leave you like before and go on my own."

"Sorry." "We'll stop now." They both answered.

Third person pov:

The royal families started to prepare to go back to their own kingdoms.

Cincella decided that she will go stay at the royal palace of Klolina for now.

The truth is she won't be staying there for long since the three of them will head out to find the second divine weapon.

The next day, Cincella say goodbye to her friends and family. After that they started heading out for the Klolina kingdom.

It take 2 days and 10 hours to get to the capital of Klolina. The king and queen ride in one carriage as the three royal siblings ride in the other one.

They talk happily all the way. When they arrive everyone welcome Cincella with open arms. They let her stay in the Ruby castle.

It is right next to the Diamond castle where Vivian stay and the Flame castle which Crimson stay.

It took her a little time to get used to everything. She took Anna her personal maid with her to Klolina.

Everyone was very nice to her so she got used to it very quickly. She meet many new people like Warter, her new personal knight.

She also meet Misa Vivian's personal maid, Killeo Vivian's personal knight, Frank Crimson's personal aide, Albert Crimson's personal bulter and Aron Crimson's personal knight.She also meet a lot of other new people.

One week later;

Cincella got used to staying in Klolina. She exchange letter with her friends and family back in Alfear.

She would spend her time exploring the castle or learning new things.

She also have regular tea time with her new family but she would spend most of her time with Vivian and Zeckery always come here for some reason.

He said that he always has to come here except for special occasions. Cincella found out that Vivian was the one who force Zeckery to come everyday.

They been resting for the past week but today the ball started ringing again during tea time. Just like last time Vivian wrote it down.

The three of them sat down in the library after tea time. Their personal maids and guards were waiting outside the door.

Since it's the royal family's private library no one can enter except for the royal family, the archmages and a few others.

"So what's the second clue Vi. "Cincella asked as Vivian took out her note book from her bracelet and started reading.

"The next clue said:

You shall find me no where up there.

Unless you look for me under here.

Since I'm hiding in the stones.

Deep within the mountains of bones.

Stabbing a youth,

who'll never grow old.

Time flows like the water I hold.

Don't be careless,

unless you wanna get stabbed.

For the eyes of black,

Stab you from the back."

"I. Don't. Understand. A. Damn. Thing." Zeckery said while blinking a couple of time. "It said 'stab' so it's probably the blade of the sun."

Cincella said seriously. "The first part was obvious since it said 'You shall find me no where up there.

Unless you look for me under here.' It early state that it was underground and-" Vivian put her book back into the bracelet and look at them.

"It also said "hiding in the stone'. So it's probably an underground cave or tunnel." Zeckery finish her sentence.

"The hard part is what is the 'mountain of bones' I've never heard of it before." Vivian said while looking at the book shelves.

"It did says 'deep within'. So an underground cave or tunnel within some kind of mountain." Cincella said as she look at the Zeckery.

Zeckery nodded and said "But which mountain is the mountain of bones."

"The mountain of bones?" A voice came from behind one of the book shelves. Then an old man came out.