048. The illusion forest {2}

Third person pov;

"Well the riddel was:

'You shall find me no where up there.

Unless you look for me under here.

Since I'm hiding in the stones.

Deep within the mountains of bones.

Stabbing a youth,

who'll never grow old.

Tim flows like the water I hold.

Don't be careless,

unless you wanna get stabbed.

For the eyes of black,

Stab you from the back.'

We were just brainstorming on what does 'Stabbing a youth, who'll never grow old' means?"

"So how are we supposed to defeat it." Vivian asked with an emotionless face."Well you can stab it's neck.

It has a very hard skin but the gap in it's neck is the only soft spot. " Grace said as she tap the table.

"I see. This is going to be a pain." Cincella said as she put her head on the table.

"I guesses we should get going it a long way to get to the mystic mount. " Zeckery said as he got up.

"Come to the ministry first after you found it." Drakes smirk at them. They nodded and went out of the meeting room.

They went out of the ministry and teleport to the entrance of the forest of illusion. They look at each other.

"Guys remember whatever you see in that forest is just an illusion it's not real.

The illusion will mostly bring you to a past memory you wishes to forget or your biggest fear. So don't panicked"

Zeckery remind the other two as he look into the forest which is cover by mist.

" I don't think we'll ended up in the same path after we went inside. So how about meeting back at the rose field in two days."

Cincella suggest as the others agree. "If there is an emergency don't forget to tap the bracelets."

Vivian hold her hand up and show the bracelets. "Let's do this." Zeckery said as he took a deep breath and the three of them walk into the mist together

Cincella pov:

Once I walk into the forest my vision change as I was inside the Light dukedom. 

I can see my illusion self being surround by a bunch of maids. Then my eyes went widen as I was shocked.

One of the maids just throw some kind of red liquid onto my illusion self. "Oh my my bad. My hand accidently slip."

Then they started snickering. "You-!" My illusion self yells as she slap the maid.

Way to go my illusion self. "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE." There on the stairs I saw Jeffery. 

Thank God. Jeffery save my illusion self. Then the maid start trembling and sobbing.

"I ..*sob* I just did a mistake and *sob* and.. and the lady started pulling my hair and hitting me.

What the actually fucking hell. I swear do I have some kind of affinity with white loutus bitches.

"Haaaa Crystal Light." Jeffery suddenly call my name coldly. I swear I even got chills.

My illusion self flinch and started to tried to explain herself. But before she even could I saw Jeffery walking down the stairs and....Huh. 

Wait did he just. DID HE JUST FUCKING SLAP MY ILLUSION SELF. "Stop always causing trouble and trashing the Light family name."

Fucking hell. I swear to God. Wait a second. Calm Cincella calm. This is just an illusion. Just an illusion.

then the secenary changed and I'm suddenly inside a forest. This must be the famous, illusion forest.

As I keep walking the secenary keep changing. It was just like an endless nightmare.

It's completely horrible. These illusions are moments I never ever want to experience. 

As I started walking further and further into the forest the illusion started again. 

This time I was at Warlock. Then I saw my illusion self and Vi and Zeck. The both of them were coming down the stairs.

Then both of them throw their bags at her. "Be a dear and carry them for us."

Vi said as she walk out of the door with Zeck leaving her behind as she follow them.

Since they were not in the same class she went back to her classroom after she sent Vi and Zeck to theirs which made her late and got scold by the teacher.

Then the secenary changed back. I keep walking and after a while I saw the mist wall in a distance. I suddenly brighten up.

While running toward the mist wall when the secenary suddenly change and I was in a field.

I saw my illusion self and Vi and Zeck getting surrounded by a bunch of monsters. Then I saw Vi push my illusion self toward the monster.

The monster started attacking her. She tried protecting herself but she was outnumbered. Soon a monster slash her with it's claws.

She fell down onto the ground as blood started pooling her and monsters started eating her. 

I also saw Vi and Zeck smirking at her being eaten by the monsters. My illusion self look up them with teary eyes and asked "Why."

Vi suddenly burst out laughing. "Why? Because you're a nobody. You think we let you stay with us because we like you.

I mean who would like you. You were just using you all these time and you didn't notice. What a foolish girl."

Vi laugh as Zeck put his hands on her shoulder and said "Have fun being eaten by monster." He smile as the both of them turn around and left.

Then I saw my illusion self's dead body turn to me and said "You are a foolish girl believing in all those lie they have just been deceiving you all this time."

I was very shook at first I was about to broke down when I remember something. It was a memory with my two best friends.

Third person pov:


They were on a mission. Suddenly monsters started to attack them.

They attack the monster and they successfully kill them all. All three of them were bloody and filled with cuts and bruises.

Then Cincella fell off the cliff by accident. Then she saw Vivian and Zeckery jump off of them cliff toward her.

When they got near her, they suddenly pull her into a tight hug. "Are you guys nuts why did you jump off of the cliff."

Cincella said while hugging them tightly Vivian laugh and said "Darling are you forgetting. If we go down then-" "-We go down together."

Zeckery finish her sentence as they both laugh. Cincella also couldn't contain her laughter and started laughing with them.

  "Idiot you guys are really idiots." "But you love these idiots don't you." Vivian tease her as she said "I regret loving idiots like you."

Then they hit the water.

Flashback ends ;

Cincella smiled at her illusion self and said "No I'm not the foolish one to trust them. I'm the foolish one for ever doubting them."

Cincella said as the secenary changed back to normal. Cincella then fall to her knees and started crying out very loud.

After a while of emotional crying, she finally calm down and went into the wall of mist.

After a while she successfully walk out of the mist. She sigh in relieve and started heading towards the roses field.

The reason that people die in the illusion forest was because they got lost in the sadness and despair of the illusions.

After two days of travelling she saw the rose field. Once she arrive there was no one there.

She look around for a bit when she heard someone call her and a hand wrap around her. It was Zeckery. "What happen.

What wrong are you OK." Cincella look at him worried. He broke the hug and shake his head.

He smile widely and said "No I'm just so happy to see you." 'Right this is the Zeckery i know the mature but soft person.

I'm so dumb for ever doubting them. Forgive this foolish person. I promised from now on I will never doubt you again.'

She thought as she hug Zeckery tightly. Then they heard someone cried out very loud.

They turn around and saw Vivian on her knees crying her eyes out.  The both of them came running toward her once they notice her presence.

Then they pull her into a tight hug. The three of them started crying and sobbing.

After half an hour of crying they finally calm down. Vivian look at them in teary eyes and smile brightly and said "Are you guys ok now."

The other two just nodded and smile back. "We should go wash up." "Yeah we look horrible."

Zeckery chuckle at his own comment. "Guys there's a stream down there." Vivian pointed at a stream a little far from the field.

Then they started washing their faces in a near by stream. Then Vivian suddenly shouted.

"Wait guys look it a stream." The other two look at her confusingly and Zeckery said "Yeah so?"