065. Sisters

Third person pov:

The next morning the trio was getting ready to go back to Klolina. The trio teleport themselves to the entrance of the royal castle of Klolina.

They were greeted by Cincella and Vivian's personal maid and knight. Zeckery went back to the Smith mansion. 

They went to the dinning room where the royal family was eating breakfast.

They open the door and Vivian yells dramatically, not noticing the royal family of Alfear was also sitting there.

"My lovely family, I'm homeeeee!" Vivian face completely turn red as she bow. "Forgive me everyone. Do continue."

Vivian said as she smile awkwardly and went to sit down.

Beside her was her brother and sister who were trying very hard to suppress their laughter.

Also in front of her was her good friend Louise who was keeping a cool face but Vivian can see the twitch on his face.