089. The emperor's harem {1}

Crimson pov:

20 minutes ago;

I came back into the room and saw that Cella, my sister was not there. "Where is my sister?"

I asked as Zeckery bow and said "Cella decided to take a walk your highness." "Where to?" I asked again.

"I saw her walking toward the opposite direction of jade garden." Ikei said.

"Oh right father said that the council mages will be here in a second." I said as everyone faces light up.

Then Vivi, my other little sister accidently move a little and wince in pain. Everyone eyes turn to her. I wish I could take away her pain.

It pain me to see my siblings in pain. Then she become still once again. I let out a sigh and think for a second.

Then I suddenly realised something. "Wait did you say that Cella went to the direction of the jade garden?" I asked out of nowhere.

Ikei nodded and asked "Something wrong your highness?" "But that direction lead to 'there'."