033. The apprentice court mages {1}

Third person pov:

"This made matter worst if he announced this then it will mean that political matter will start to interfere with the ministry of wizard and it'll be a headache."

Grace said as she is one of the three chair man from the ministry of wizard and since ancient times magicians tend to stay away from political matter.

"If we were to have a war we'll have no choice but to cooperate or this could cause future problem." Ume said as everyone agree.

"Then it's decided we'll announce the news and discuss this further at the meeting next month. I guess we'll leave this matter to you three."

Jean point to the trio as the trio just quietly nodded. "Also about the three divine wepons could you please contact us after you found them." Mabel smile warmly.

After that they have to discuss a few other matters so they sent the trio to garden to explore. Vivian sat on the grass.

"Wow that was tiring I wonder how tiring would it be at the meeting next month. Not to mention we have to deal with power addicted morons then."

Vivian sigh ." I swear could life get any worst. "Crystal sat down beside Vivian. " I want to sleep."

"You two get your lazy ass up. Don't forget we're still in the ministry of wizard. "

"Who-""What're a bunch of kids doing here. Since when did the ministry become a playground." They turn around to the owners of the voices.

They saw 2 boys. One with white hair and gold eyes who has a gentle look on his face and the other with red hair and sea green eyes who has a mocking look on his face.

"Who are you?" Vivian asked them with an expressionless face. "And why do I need to answer you." He mock Vivian.

"One, I just asked you a question that even a two year old can answer and two, if you don't have anything else to say please leave, arrogant can be contiguous you know?"

Vivian said while getting up with the help from Zeckery. The red head face turn as red as his hair.

Crystal and Zeckery as well as the white head boy burst out laughing. "You-"

The red head open his mouth again as the white head interrupt him. "I'm sorry for my friend.

My name is Ikei Sora and this is my friend Christopher Rowen. May we know your name?" Ikei smile politely.

Zeckery was about to answer when they heard someone called out. "Kids."

They turn around to meet Tim, Frizt, Venia, Elliot, Selle and Luciano walking toward them.

Ikei and Christopher bow at them and said "Greetings council mages." "Ah Ikei, Christopher how have you been?"

Selle smile at them. "We've been fine council mage Selle. Thank you for asking."

Christopher answer politely. Vivian ran up to Tim's arms and said "Master I'm being bullied."

Ikei and Christopher was shock when they see Vivian ran up to Tim.

"You know them, council mages." Christopher asked in surprise. "Yes these are my apprentices, the golden trio.

This is Vivian Liberty. The one over there are Crystal and Zeckery Smith."

Vivian turn to them and put her tongue out. Tim saw this and squeeze her cheeks.

"Ah mastou(Ah master)."Vivian said while holding Tim's hand which was squeezing her cheeks.

"You little trouble maker what did you do this time." Tim said as he let go of her cheeks.

Vivian rubbed her cheeks and said " Why are you scolding me when I'm the one who is being builled. "

Vivian pouts as Tim sigh and said "You. Bullied? What are you going to tell me next that the sun is going to rise from the west?

Even if someone manage to bullied you, you would have bullied them 10 times more by now."

Vivian gasp dramatically and said "Master what did you think that this little old me could do.

You have the heart to abandoned me. How could you betray me."

Tim rolled his eyes and said  "Anyways I still have some business to do.

Ikei, Christopher could you show the three of them around." The both of them nodded. "Are you two ok with that?"

Tim turn to Crystal and Zeckery as they both nodded in agreement. Tim walk away as he smack Vivian head lightly.

"Don't cause trouble. "Oh wait lady Crystal will you come with me for a second."

Luciano said as Crystal turn to the others and said "Then please excuse me for a second."

Crystal and Luciano walk toward a waiting room. While the others just goon their way. After the six of them were gone.

Vivian sit down on the ground and touch her red cheeks. "Owe it still hurt." The others approach her. "Do you think she'll be fine."

Ikei said while looking at the direction that Crystal and their others just left.

"Oh don't worry she'll be fine I think we know what will happen. By the way Vi." Zeckery said.

Vivian hum in response and look at Zeckery but regret it when she saw him smiling creepily.

Cold sweat start to form on her forehead while a child ran down her spine.

"What did I tell about running up to people like that without manners." Vivian laugh awkwardly and said "Not to?"

"And why is that?" Zeckery asked while still smiling creepily. Vivian sallow her saliva and said "Because it's rude and manner less?"

Zeckery suddenly pull one of Vivian's ears and said "Then why did you just ran up to master like that like a baboon running up to it's owner."

Then he let go. Vivian pouts as she rubbed her ear and said "Sorry." Christopher burst out laughing.

Vivian glare at him as he keep laughing "Baboon hahahahah he just call you a Baboon."

Vivian growled and keep glaring at Christopher who just keep laughing. Then she suddenly jump at Christopher and bite his arm.

"Vivian!" Zeckery and Ikei shouted.

Crystal pov:

Right now I'm sitting in a waiting room with archmage Luciano and gosh it's suffocating. I know what he bring me here for.

Archmage Luciano, the archmage of Alfear, a respectful mage who is also one of the 15 council mages of the ministry of wizard.

With his forest green hair and jade eyes, despite being old he is still known as one of the most handsome man in the kingdom.

He has a very easygoing and cheerful personality. He's almost perfect in every way possible in people eyes at least, but not me because I know what he is exactly like.

He's a cold, merciless, cruel, sadist. He's also a doting father to Mark. To the point that he kidnapped and torture, Delia, who hurt his son's beloved, Lilac.

According to the spoilers, he kidnapped Delia and keep her in a cottage in the dark forest.

He then torture her and kill her and then revive her again only to be torture her and kill her again.

This circle goes on for 5 years until poor Delia who had gone completely crazy by the archmage was discovered by a knight and was brought back to the Albert mansion.

Speaking of the Albert family after Delia's disappearance they tried hard to find her for the past five years.

After she was discovered by the knight the Albert mansion was shocked with her state.

Shinsu who was blinded by rage because of Lilac rejected him that day for Louise, kill her the night she came back.

He stabbed her in the heart with his sword. Delia just smile at him with tears flowing down her cheeks.

Shinsu then came back to his senses and regretted his choice. He quickly pull the sword out of Delia's chest and catch her body before she hit the ground.

Delia's last words were "Thank you for ending this nightmare.

The only regret I have is acknowledging you as my older brother because you have done nothing for me to be worthy enough to be called as my brother."

Damn it still gave me the chills at the part where Luciano would torture Delia.


Archmage if you pity me please say what you need to say and let me leave. I am crying imaginary anime tears right now.

We have been sitting here in here for the past 3 minutes. After 2 more minutes he finally talk.

"So lady Crystal or should I say lady Light-." Seriously why is he making it look like he just caught a world class criminal.

"-how amusing to see you here. I see that you have been very well during these years." He said amusingly. I just nodded in response.

Like what else am I suppose to do. "I believe you already know what I call you here for." He said while smiling like a villain.