040. Women

Third person pov:

Vivian finish with an expressionless face as she glance around the whole room and look at everyone's expression.

Some of them has a scared experssion and some has disbelieve expression.

"How can we trust you princess Liberty. I believe that you said no one has ever knows about the book except you."

The king of Honiara said with a mocking tone.

Vivian smirk and said "There are many reasons your highness, many reasons that outsider like 'you' know nothing about."

The king of Honiara face turn to an angry expression.

"Princess Liberty you maybe a princess but who are you to call me, a royalty, an outsider when you yourself is one."

Vivian smirk again and said " Oh my apologies I haven't clearly introduce myself yet have I. My name is Vivian Liberty.

This is Crystal Light and Zeckery Smith. We are the apprentice court mages of Master Tim Owen. We are also known as the golden trio.

A pleasure to meet you all." She smiled mocking at the king of Honiara. The while room was filled with mummers.

People from outside and inside of the magic world has heard of the golden trio but not many has seen or meet them.

Vivian face turn back to being emotionless as she continue "As you can see I'm no outsider to the ministry of wizard or the magic world.

If you still don't believe me you can asked the council mages for confirmation.

Well we have many proves but I'll show you all something that no one won't be able to overlooked. Stalle."

Crystal sigh and hold the hand with the bracelet and took out the bow.

"This is the legendary cross of the moon, one of the 'thing' used by Cindy to stop the war. It's more likely a divine weapon.

We figure one of the riddles out and found it. Since not everyone can feel the mana does anyone want a confirmation? Zero. "

Crystal called him out as Zero went flying out and said "Yeah kiddo do you need something?"

"Can you show your power and confirm that you are the cross of the moon."

Crystal asked as Zero glance around and said "You humans are really troublesome. Fine kid I'll do it because you asked."

"Thank you." Crystal said politely. Then Crystal teleport to a large field. Vivian put up a hologram of Crystal just like a drone.

They can see Crystal jump up to the air and pull the string of the bow as an arrow appear.

She let an arrow go as multiple arrows appear out of thin air its asirrow hit the ground which made many explosion.

Dusts and dirt fly everywhere which back their viwe of Crystal.

After all the dusts were clear they can see Crystal standing in the middle of a giant hole in the ground.

Then Vivian shut the hologram as Crystal teleport back to the meeting. "Was that convincing?"

Crystal asked as she retreat the bow back into the bracelet. The king of Wastria burst out laughing. "Haha princess Liberty and her friends.

You have convince us enough right everyone. So what shall we do to assist you?" The king of Wastria stand up and said as everyone nodded.

Then the Prince of Honiara stand up and slam the table. "Are you all joking at me right now.

Don't tell me you actually believe a lowly woman's word." Crimson stand up and slam his hands.

"How dare you insult my sister, the princess of Klolina. You-" Crimson stop when Vivian put up a hand.

"I see I expect people to not believe me because I'm still young but I never thought that someone would actually not believe me because of a stupid reason like me being a woman.

May I know the reason what does me being a woman has to do with any of this?"

The prince of Honiara laugh in a mocking tone and said "Because woman are useless and weak.

They just exist to pleasure men and to give birth. What else do you think?"

Vivian pov:

This little son of a bit- calm down Vivian you can't murder someone here especially not a prince.

Well maybe I can hire an assassin or put poiso- No no nope no killing remember.

Seriously he's older than me yet he's this immature. How can someone like that become a crown prince.

Let's not jump to conclusion first. Let's take care of this matter. Then I can find out why is he like this.

I mean a normal children won't be this spoiled unless their parents dote on them completely.

The king and queen of Honiara doesn't seem like the doting type. Wait could it be- what I think it is.

Crystal pov;

I swear to God that little son of a bitch. How dare he to my little bean. When I get my hands on you.

I'll rip you to pieces and feed you to dogs.

Third person pov:

Vivian smile at him but some people can tell the murderous aura admitting from her.

'Well he's dead.' Her friends and family thought at the same time.

Vivian's friends and family pov:

This prince just woke the sleeping lion up. He's doing the same thing as jumping into a shark pond with bloody clothes.

RIP prince Dramules. May your reputation recover after this because Vivian is not as sweet as she look.

Third person pov:

"I see. So that was your reason. I've never thought that the crown prince of Honiara would say something so stupid and dumb."

Vivian was smiling at first but her face turn dark and emotionless as she said 'stupid and dumb.'

Then Vivian continue "Even if you are a crown prince you didn't realise by talking to me the princess of Klolina, you can cause commotion and comflict between the two kingdoms which could lead to war.

You also said that woman are only exist to pleasure men and give birth right. Do you think men can live in a world without women.

The people who are working in the fields of education, medical, agricultural and food producing are mostly women.

So if women do not exist there is no way to increase the human population so humans might go extinct by time.

You do not say woman are just useless when you don't even know the pain woman have to go through to give birth to a child. 

Another reason, Your highness can you sew or made tea or cook. No, right. There is the advantage of women.

Women has to learn both academic and house work. You can find female knights, female mages, female teachers, female adventurers and others.

You can find female in every field like politics, medical, education, every field. Look at the crown princess of Verlock, Princess Anthone.

I admire her truly. She is a woman as you say, yet she is sitting here proudly without the help of any men.

She is sitting there not just a crown princess but also as a representative of her country, the future leader of her country.

One more thing, your highness, do you know my age.

I am Vivian Liberty , the second princess of Klolina and one of the golden trio who was known to be a genius in the world of magic.

One of the youngest person to create many new magic spells, tools and potions.

The youngest person ever to be an apprentice court mage. the youngest person ever to have a familiar and reach the gold stage.

I am also the one who invented the luxury tax law. A law that made many people's lives better. A law that help in many ways.

I achieve all that when I wasn't even an adult yet. Right now I'm only 16 years old 6 years younger then you.

Yet I'm standing here, holding my head up with pride and shouting to everyone in this room that I've done these. I've achieve these.

I've made these achievement even before I become an adult. You, as a person older then me and as you say a man, what kind of achievement have you made.

How many lives have you save. Without the title 'crown prince of Honiara' how powerful are you?"

Vivian look at the crown prince of Honiara who just stand there clenching his fist and looking down. The whole room was quiet and still.

Everyone in the room was looking at her in surprise at how a 16 years old was so mature.

The royal family of Klolina was sitting there with a proud look on their faces. Then the crown prince of Wastria stand up.

"Princess Liberty you said that the three of you had already gotten your familiars. If you don't mind may we see it."

He asked politely as Vivian nodded and said "Of course crown prince Zinthia. If that's what you wish to confirm."

She said as the three of them raised their hands.