0110. The truth {1}

Third person pov;

"Everyone we have something to tell you all." Then Louise hold up their hands which were wearing the rings. "I just propose to Alle!"

He exclaim excitedly. The whole room went quiet.

King Liberty and Crimson look shocked and was glaring at Louise while Queen Liberty look excited.

Vivian and the Cyber royal couple look proud. Everyone congratulate them. "So that's why you two were late this morning."

Vivian said while pretending not to remember the proposal yeasterday. "YOU!!!" Crimson yells as he tried grab Louise's clothes and lift him up.

"No it's not like that. Nothing happen!" Cincella yells as her face turn red from embarrassment.

"I would love to go further but we just cuddle." Louise said while chuckling not minding one bit that Crimson was on the verge to kill him.

"Issac!" Cincella yells. "Your dead." Crimson exclaim as he tried to pull his sword out only to be stop by Vivian.