042. The lost princess {1}

Crystal pov:

After leaving Vivian to talk with her family me and Zeck went toward our room when we bump into the second son of the Smith family, Zeck's younger brother, Hollan.

Hollan bow at us and said "Good evening big brother and this is-" He asked while looking at me.

I just bow back and said "My name is Crystal Light. Nice to meet you. Your Sir Hollan Smith, the second son of the Smith family right."

Hollan just smile and said "Nice to meet you too my lady. You can just call me Hollan." This kid is super polite.

"Then feel free to call me Crystal, Hollan." "Thank you lady Crystal. It would be my pleasure."

He said while taking my hand and kissing it. This kid is quite a gentleman. Then Zeck fake cough trying to catch our attention.

"Hollan where's mother and father?" Zeck asked. "They're meeting with the other Duke of the kingdoms.

That remind me I have to go now." Hollan said as he bow again and walk away.

"Wow are you sure your brothers he's such a gentleman." I tease Zeck. Zeck just rolled his eyes.

"I'm better." WTF. I swear this egotistic brat. Then heard some voices behind us.

We turn around to saw- Ah what in the freaking universe of novel is that.

Why is my 'fiancee' and his 'friends'  walking toward us. Am I really going to die.

If I really am going to die I only have one regret, not getting a chance to throw a freaking pie at that two face white loutus bitch, Lilac.

Wait a second didn't we just had an awkward situation two days ago. Ahh what do I do. This is going to be really awkward.

I just hung my head low as I unconsciously went behind Zeck . Zeck notice this and asked.

"Your highness what business do you have with us?" "My father is asking for you three." Louise went straight to the point.

He must notice the awkward atmosphere. "I think we should go then-" Zeck said as I interrupt him.

"Vi" I mutter her name because I just saw her running toward the garden while crying.

I started to ran toward the garden. "Vi? Of course we have to go find her- Stalle where are you going." I didn't hear anything anymore.

I was too focus on Vi that my mind went blank. The only thing I can think of is why Vi was crying. Soon enough I arrive at where Vi was.

She was sitting under the oak tree crying while Harry and Perry was hugging her. "What's going on?" I asked.

Third person pov:

"Stalle why did you ran like that." Then the others arrived. By others they are Zeckery, Louise, Jeffery, Shinsu, Mark, Delia, Leo and Amber.

They look at the twins and her confusingly. Crystal and Zeckery came running when they saw Vivian's red eyes.

Crystal pull her out from the twins grip and glare back at them and asked "Harry, Perry did you make her cried?"

Harry shake his head and answer with a short" no". "Then why is she crying?" Crystal glare at him. Perry sigh.

"That's what we were trying to figure out." Everyone turn back to Vivian. Vivian started to feel like she was going to burst into tears as she did.

She cried her eyes out. Everyone came up to her and hug her trying to comfort and smooth her.

After a while of crying she finally calm down and wipe her tears. "All good?" Zeckery asked Vivian as she nodded. "You want to talk about it?"

Crystal asked her kindly. Vivian buried her head into her knee and said "Have you ever been in a situation when you find out that you've been lied to your whole life."

"No why?" Louise asked her as she said "Well that's what happen to me." Then Vivian explain the whole situation with her family.

"-and that's what happen. Now I don't know if I'm ready to face them yet" Her voice sounded like she was about to broke into tears again.

Crystal patted her back and said "How about you go sleep at my room?" Vivian look at her with sparkling eyes and started crying again.

Crystal panicked and hug her and tried to calm her again. After that, "I'll tell father that you are unwell princess." Louise said as he stand up.

"Why ?" Vivian asked as she can't understand why they had to inform king Cyber. "The king asked for the three of us."

Zeckery answer knowing her confusion. Vivian just nodded as she was escorted back by the twins.

Everyone else went to the king's office. They knock on the door and went in. Inside the office was the Duke and Duchess of Light.

As well as the king and queen. Once Crystal was inside the Duchess immediately hug her and said "I'm so sorry"

Over and over again until the king clear his throat and said "Duchess I think you are suffocating the lady."

The Duchess let her go as Crystal struggle to breath for air.

Crystal pov:

What the fuck woman is she trying to kill me. I almost die because of lack of oxygen.

Then the Duchess or should I say mother compose herself. Then the king turn to me .

"Lady Crystal can you explain about the incident ten years ago?" I expect this to happen. I expect them to asked this question.

I didn't say anything and hung my head down low and said "I have no words."

I expected someone to yell at me of scolded me for causing trouble. Heck I even expect someone to hit me but nothing happens.

After what it felt like eternity the Duke or father just sigh and said "It's OK if you don't want to talk about it."

Then he lean down to match my heigh. Even if I grown up I'm still 2 head shorter than him as he was very tall.

I expected him to yell at me but instead he just patted my head. Then he kneel down while holding both my hand gently in his and smile at me.


IF THAT'S NOT WEIRD THEN HE SAID "My dear shall we go back home and talk it out first?"


I didn't know what to do and just nodded. Then we greet the king and went to the Light mansion.

Before we left I went to Zeck and told him to inform Vi he asked me if I was fine and I just nodded.

We may fight a lot but we still care for each other a lot. That night the whole Light mansion was an uproar by my return.

We ate dinner and after that we, by we I mean the four of us, talk about things. I told them my story expect for the part why I ran away.

They told me what happen when I was gone and apologies for everything they had done to be like ignoring me and just treating me coldly and things like that.

Their attitude turn 360°.

From what I remember they were usually cold and distance now they're all so warm, loving and protective like a real family.

It seem that they were trying their best to find me for the past ten years. This made me really happy.

What surprise me the most was that royal scumba- I mean the prince or my so called fiancee declared that he will not marry anyone except me.

I swear I even accidently chocked on my tea and spit it out. WTF. What about that white loutus heronie, Lilac. This is getting confusing.

We just went to bed like that. The next day we ate breakfast together. The whole mansion change.

The servant treat me like a glass doll which could break at any moment. I mean I'm not but who cares.

There was no meeting today due to some circumstances. 

Third person pov:

Vivian enter the waiting room her family was in and ran into their arms who choose surprise them.

"Vi- Vivi? " Crimson said while he was being hug by Vivian. Vivian broke the hug and beam at them. "Yes brother Crim?"

Crimson sigh and cover his eyes. Then he pull Vivian into a hug and said " Nothing. " Vivian smile back at the him as Crystal and Zeckery enter.

Vivian went to their side and pull Crystal forward. "Papa, Mama, big brother Crim this is Crystal Light. My other best friend."

Crystal bow and said "A pleasure to meet you your highnesses." The three of them were shock.

The trio look at the three royal who were looking at Crystal with wide eyes.