098. The birthday banquet {2}

Third person pov;

The king did this to show everyone who attended the ball not to offence the 8 of them in any possible way.

"That was a long announcement." Zeckery whisper to Vivian as she just nodded. She then glance at the twins to saw them looking sad.

Most people can't see it but since Vivian is used to reading people's faces she can see that they were clearly sulking.

'They're still sulking.' Vivian thought as she face palm herself mentally.


"So who's gonna escort the two princess." Loutus asked as the boys looked at each other. "How about asking these two brats to do it."

Christopher said as he pointed to his twin brother and smirk. The twins looked like they just seen a ghost.

Then they suddenly jump toward Vivian and hug her. "No we want to escorts Vivi." "We won't escorts anyone other than Vivi."