0115. The truth {6}

Third person pov;

A communication device was connect to somewhere. "Master we have located the traces of the two apprentice court mages."

"Good." "They seem to be in the royal palace of Klolina." "Follow them quietly and if connect me when you get there."

The voice of his other master rang through the communication device. The man who was holding the communication device bow respectfully. 

"As you wish my liege." Then the communication device got cut off again as the man teleport away with a black magic circle.


"You really think this'll work." Vivian asked Cincella anxiously. Cincella just nodded.

"Cel- no sissy you do know that one wrong move and the whole royal palace of Klolina will be blown to bits right?"

Cincella again didn't say anything and just nodded. She was busy focusing on something else.

"Just keep an eye out.alarm me if the 'tail' (the stalker) step inside the palace grounds."