0120. Cousin?

Third person pov;

A teleportation circle light up as two people appear. Vivian look around her surroundings.

"You- You- You crazy princess!" Vivian and Cincella both turn toward the unfamiliar voice.

"Long time no see your highness. I greet the shinning star of the empire of Soledam. 

May your brilliant and radiant light shine across the empire and forever mo-" "Shut up."

The person who Vivian seem to know stride toward them and stand in front of Vivian with an annoyed look.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. How dare you send me a threat like that do you even know who I am."

That said person has a look of disbelief on his face as he brush his face with his hands.

"Your highness first of all the letter was not a threat. I wrote it with the best of my ability to notice our arrival.

Second of all of course how could I forget the shinning star of the empire of Soledam.