0176. Promised {2}

Third person pov,

Shell went toward the lagoon and sit down near the edge. He soak his feet in the water. He patted the place next to him gesturing Cincella to sit down.

"Come sit here Cin." Cincella didn't say anything and just sat down like she was ask to do. She also took off her shoes and pull her pant a little upward until the knee.

She put her feet in the water and she can't help but moan in pleasure. The water was super relaxing.

She felt like all the tension in her muscles was wash away by the water. And all the headache that exist disappear like it was never there in the first place.

"Is it relaxing." Cincella nodded. "I'm glad." Shell said as he lean onto her body from the side.

"Now Cin want to tell me why you were so stress since the first time you came here?"

Cincella was taken aback for a minute. "You notice?" Shell nodded. This kid was amazing.