0212. The celebration {2}

Third person pov,

Confetti and flower were thrown in the air of the streets of the capital of Alfear kingdom.

Cheers and laughter were heard all over the capital of the kingdom. People were cheering as the cheerful atmosphere makes everyone who were there can't help but laugh.

For the people today was a very special day. A day where they celebrated the victory of their kind against the darkness.

For them it was a sign that they were safe that they were still alive and well with their love ones.

A sign that they have overcome the difficulties and become the victorious.

For the people today was happy and cheerful day which will be their symbol of victory.

For the people it was a very happy and enjoyable day for them but for some people else it was the opposite.

For those who know the actual purpose of today, today was a day that determine their real victory.