Battle with a cultivator

When Master Wu heard what Xiao Lin said, he only nodded his head.

Since if that was Xiao Lin's conviction, he wouldn't change his mind.

He then stood to his feet from his cross-legged position on the ground and said "You can continue your training. I want to resume my meditation"

Xiao Lin nodded his head and then stood from his cross-legged position on the mat.

Then after walking away from the mat was to where the tree that he punched and kicked hard at was, he resumed his punching and kicking bare-fisted and bare-footed at the tree.

Although he was racked with pain, he was able to surprisingly endure it this time. His body had gained a slight degree of resistance to pain.

So, he punched and kicked at the tree with a smile in his face, ignoring the pain that had begun to cloud his senses.

After doing that for many hours, he stopped to do another form of exercise.

And the exercise that he wanted to start was the pull-up.

So, he jumped up and caught a branch of a tree with his two hands which were shoulder-width apart.

He then tried to pull his upper body up with his arms so that his face was on the same level with the branch of the tree that he gripped tight with his hands. He then lowered himself by straightening his arms. He then pulled his body up again so that it his face was on the same level of the branch of that tree.

So just like that, Xiao Lin did repetitions of the pull-up exercises that he did close to a hundred of it, enduring the intense burning sensation that flooded his arms and senses.

After doing more than a hundred pull-ups, his palms which were already sore from grabbing that branch of the tree for a long time, couldn't help but let go of that tree branch with Xiao Lin standing upright when he landed to the ground.

And not giving his arms or his body as a whole time to relax, he immediately entered into another strength-training position to start another type of strength-building exercise.


Many hours later, Xiao Lin came out of Master Wu's room and prepared to go to his own room when he was suddenly called upon by one of Master Wu's disciple called Shou Wen.

He and a few others were around when Xiao Lin came out of Master Wu's room.

Immediately Xiao Lin turned around to look at Shou Wen, the expressions of envy and anger that were initially present in Shou Wen's eyes vanished without a trace. He tried to hide them from being noticed by Xiao Lin.

He then went forward with an arrogant look in his eyes to go meet Xiao Lin who waited where he was with a pondering gaze in his eyes.

"Little brother Lin, you have been in Master Wu's room. What are you doing there?" Shou Wen asked with an impolite tone in his voice and with an arrogant smile in his face.

"Well, it's nothing of your concern." Xiao Lin harshly replied.

Who was this person that exuded an arrogant aura before him? Because he was a mortal?

Once Xiao Lin responded in that manner, the anger that Shou Wen kept concealed from Xiao Lin instantly revealed in his gaze.

Xiao Lin saw the expression of anger that appeared in his Shou Wen's eyes and only ignored it.

"Why? Of course it should be my concern. Tell me, little brother. What were you doing in Master Wu's room? Or were you training at the yard that Master also trains at?" Shou Wen asked.

"When you already know the answer to something, why bother asking me? I have to go now if you don't have anything better to do" Xiao Lin replied.

He then said further with a smile in his face "See you around"

Xiao Lin then resumed his walk towards the room that Master Wu gave to him to reside in.

But just as he was about to take a step to leave Shou Wen's presence, the shirt that he wore was suddenly grabbed by Shou Wen who then pulled Xiao Lin to the ground.

Immediately Xiao Lin was pulled to the ground by the shirt that he wore, Shou Wen sent a really heavy kick at Xiao Lin's shoulder, causing his shoulder bone to instantly dislocate.

However, Xiao Lin who had trained himself to have a high threshold for pain, didn't even scream from the sudden, painful dislocation of his bones.

Instead, he only developed a type of anger in his heart that if it turned into flames and appeared in the real world, it might burn away the immense earth, the vast sky and the numerous large clouds in it.

Enduring the intense pain that began to rack his body from the dislocation of his shoulder bones, Xiao Lin did a kip-up to stand back to his feet using only his back.

And immediately he stood back to his feet from the ground using the kip-up, he abruptly lowered himself into a crouch.

Then in the instant that his body entered into a crouch, his body spun around really fast in the 360-degree as he powerfully swung out one of his legs to sweep Shou Wen hard to the ground.


Shou Wen landed to the ground with a heavy thud since he wasn't expecting Xiao Lin to do that.

Also, he was racked with pain since his elbows smashed hard into the floor and became badly bruised.


He shouted furiously and then stood to his feet in the next moment with an expression of great annoyance written all over his face, which contorted it make him look ugly.

Then he tried to actually attack Xiao Lin using a battle technique.

However, before he could erupt spiritual energy from his hands to condense them into an attack that he would unleash at Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin who had quickly predicted what Shou Wen was going to do next, abruptly leapt towards him with one of his legs fully straightened out.


So, as he shot through through the air like an arrow towards Shou Wen with one of his legs fully straightened out since he planned to unleash a Flying Kick at him, the feet of his leg that was straightened out connected with Shou Wen's chest and delivered a strong force that actually launched Shou Wen off his feet and into the distance.

Due to the kick which carried a lot of wrath with it, when it impacted Shou Wen's chest and launched him into the distance where he crashed really hard into the ground a few feet away, Shou Wen couldn't help but spit out blood.

While a few others who were watching the battle that suddenly took place between Xiao Lin and Shou were extremely surprised that Xiao Lin could actually gain an advantage over a cultivator.

Shou Wen who felt incredibly humiliated and embarrassed by Xiao Lin who was a simple mortal, screamed in rage to the sky.

Then he stood to his feet to use his spiritual energy to launch a powerful attack at Xiao Lin by using a mortal-grade technique from a particular Battle Art that he studied.

Xiao Lin who endured with gnashing of his teeth, the excessive pain that was racking his shoulders and many other areas of his body at the moment, suddenly rushed at a high speed to where Shou Wen stood which was just four feet away and then launched a really hard, tooth-ejecting slap in his face.


Shou Wen who was dazed by the hard slap that Xiao Lin sent at him quickly received another that carried a lot of force and caused him to fall head first to the ground.


A bang sound rang out when Shou Wen's head smashed heavily into the ground, quickly resulting in a large reddish swell on that side of his head that struck the ground.

He then actually fainted.

As soon as he fainted, many other disciples came out from where they were and saw how badly beaten Shou Wen was.

Same with Zhang Feng who then looked at Xiao Lin and saw a seemingly primordial bestial rage to destroy all in things in his eyes.

Even he felt a chill move down his spine as he looked at Xiao Lin. He then turned his head to look back at Shou Wen whose eyes snapped open a moment later.

Shou Wen who was helped to his feet by someone looked at Xiao Lin and said with immense wrath in his tone "I will surely get back at you!"

Xiao Lin only ignored him and then resumed his walk to his room, ignoring further everyone's shocked gazes that were on his body.