Fighting Wild Beasts III


One of them roared and suddenly jumped into the air towards Xiao Lin, who then abruptly slid with his two knees under that beast that had unexpectedly leapt towards him with the intention of evading it.

Once his knee-sliding motion stopped after a few feet, he quickly stood back to his feet and immediately turned around to face the beast that had leapt towards him. Then quickly packing power into his legs, he leaped straight towards that beast that stood many feet away.

Then grabbing the Awakening Doom blade by the handle with both hands in mid-air, he hurled it straight at the beast with a furious shout. However, the beast simply opened it jaw where it was and caught the blade that was thrown at it with it massive jaws.


This particular sound immediately rang out when the blade got caught between the upper and lower jaws of the wild beast that suddenly snapped them close upon the blade reaching it position.