Going after assassins

Then after thinking hard for sometime, and seeing that he couldn't really come up with anything, he prepared to leave the inn. But before he did so, he produced some coins for the jar of wine that he ordered for and placed it on the table.

But just when he would to leave his table, someone from another table said to him "Hey, don't tell me that you are going to waste the wine in that jar."

Xiao Lin looked at him and said "Well, I wasn't planning to. But I suddenly discovered that I wasn't in the mood to drink wine again, which is possibly due to some really heavy issues that sprung up in the far depths of my mind."

"Haha. Well, that's what wine is for, to conquer depression, mate. Anyways, since you wouldn't be taking it, can I have it?" The male speaking to him from another table asked.

"Sure. That's why I left it there, for anyone that has interest in to take it and gurgle it all down" Xiao Lin responded.


The male laughed.