Killing disciples of sect (2)

Then very quickly, they began to send out attacks at him.

However, Xiao Lin only dodged them using the enormous speed that he was moving at. And when he arrived before one, he sent out his claws at that person's neck.


The neck was instantly slashed open with blood immediately gushing out of it to a height of six feet above the ground before falling back to the earth.

And once he killed that person, he dashed towards another person to slay that one too.


The head was cut off from the neck with blood splashing out of it into the air before falling back to the ground.

And once he did this, he dashed towards another cultivator.

"Hey! Come over here" A male voice suddenly rang out.

And once this voice rang out, Xiao Lin stopped moving. He then turned his head to look at the person that spoke and saw that he was a disciple of a particular sect.

"No" Xiao Lin said.

He then said "You should come to me."