Meeting powerful disciples (2)

Seeing the incoming, sword-shaped attacks, Zhu Ping quickly used a Lightning Evasion skill to quickly dodge the attacks.

And once he did, he abruptly aimed one of his palms at them and shot out a massive blast of pure, purple-colored lightning from his palm at them.

Bang! Bang!

The instant Zhu Ping unleashed the attack, the two males that struck out at him with their swords were quickly impacted by the blast of pure lightning and were sent flying into separate walls of the room with a tremendous amount of force.



Their bodies smashed into the walls with many cracks suddenly appearing in the surface of the walls that they each rammed into.


Zhu Ping laughed.

He then said "And you measly lot thought that you could take me down, right?"

Then with a cold light flashing constantly in his eyes, Zhu Ping quickly produced a sword from his spatial ring which he abruptly channeled large amount of lightning into.